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Posted on Sat Aug 3rd, 2024 @ 8:49pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance
Edited on on Sat Aug 3rd, 2024 @ 9:12pm

Mission: Vacation on Amri V
Location: Amri V
Timeline: Current

{Amri V Wilderness}

The ledge followed the curve of the escarpment. It was sufficiently wide enough that Kevin didn’t feel the need to hug the rock face but he was reluctant to walk side-by-side with Mira. She lead the way, by unspoken agreement.

After following the footprints on the ledge for another 150 meters, they arrived at the entrance of a cave that overlooked a beautiful azure lake. Kevin felt the desire to just sit down with Mira and enjoy the view but there was another pressing matter to attend to.

“Do you hear voices?” Mira asked peering into the cave.

Kevin stood still, listening. “Yes,” he pronounced.

“I would have thought that there would be guards,” Mira continued, “This is too ease.”

Kevin nodded in agreement and they entered the cave. Some type of bioluminescent moss cast a dim light that was sufficient for both to see their way and make out the contours, if not the details, of the cave. As they walked along, the voices got louder. It was impossible to understand them and the comm badges weren’t close enough to translate, but the tone of the voices was relaxed and conversational.

More quickly than he would have thought, the passage gave way to a larger chamber. In the center was a campfire with four green clad figures around it. They were relaxed, sitting either on rocks or the ground. Kevin couldn’t see any weapons but the figures weren’t giving any attention to the passage when the two Star Fleet officers crouched.

“I am going to circle around the edge of the chamber,” Kevin said quietly, “The firelight should compromise their dark vision.”

Mira frowned, "None of this seems right." She shook her head no. "How do we know if we got the right people? They don't have guards, I don't see the kid and ..... " she was quiet for a moment."My fighting skill evolved around the quickest death possible. I don't want to make a mistake and kill some people who had nothing to do with kidnapping a child."

"That is why I want to circle around," Kevin replied, "To scout and see if I can find the child." He couldn't resist giving Mira a quick kiss before he hunched over and began to slowly circle around the chamber in a clockwise direction.

Mira looked worried as he left and kept her eyes on the men and their retreat path if they needed it. Vaytoc would be nice to have right now, but he would probably tell her he couldn't smell the people like he does on the holodeck. She watched as he snuck around the small group.

Kevin made good progress and was a third of the way around the chamber when he stopped and appeared to concentrate on something at the back of the chamber. Had he found the child?

Mira bit her lip as Kevin stopped. Oh no now what?

Suddenly, her comm badge chirped. Four sets of eyes turned in her direction.

"Son of a targ! " Mira whispered as her badge went off. She shut it off, but the damage was done. Mira pressed herself into the darkness, hoping they didn't know what that sound was.

Kevin froze as well after turning his head in the direction of the passage where Mira was hiding.

"Beraff," one of the figures said, "Go and check to see what that was."

A different green clad figure lounging on the ground stood and walked in Mira's direction.

Mira panicked. Should she back up or knock the guy out? Knocking him out would buy Kevin only a few moments to keep looking but when this guy didn't come back they would send more. Looking up she frowned. There was no place to go higher. Well crap. Knocking him out it was then. She backed up to be around the corner then when he stepped in the tunnel she round house kicked his head. Knocking him out cold. He was to heavy to move so she left him there and hides in another spot.

Kevin waited for the abductor to shout or otherwise reveal that he had found Mira. But the anticipated cry was not forthcoming. The other three abductors continued their conversation with an air of unconcern. The seconds dragged on to minutes or so it seemed. Finally, the one who had ordered Beraff to search the passage called out cheerily, "Did you find anything?"

The other two continued there conversation but after a moment, the leader shushed them quiet. "Beraff," he called again, "What did you find?"

The was still no answer.

The leader made hand gestures at the remaining two, who stood, drew short blades from within their cloaks and advanced cautiously on the passage where their compatriot had disappeared.

Kevin could not remain still any longer. He sprung from his hiding place in the shadows and sprinted past the leader. Before the green clad figure could shout a warning, Kevin tackled the two abductors from behind. All three crashed to the rocky floor of the cavern.

Mira drew readied her blade and advance towards the three.

Kevin crawled on top of one of the prone figures and began hitting him about the head and shoulders. The elongated skull and large black eyes reminded him of something but he couldn't thing what.

While Kevin was preoccupied with his victim, the second abductor had gotten to his feet and and was pulling his arm back for a vicious overhead slash with his knife.

Mira tosses one of her blades hitting the guy that was going to attack Kevin dead center in the chest. He looked down clutching the blade in his chest as he fell. Mira pulled another blade and in the language used on this planet she told the leader of this group "don't move. We want the boy." Even if they didn't have him the guy she killed would have killed Kevin. She wasn't going to let that happen.

Kevin roll off of the abductor that he had pummeled to unconscious. It shouldn't have been that easy, he thought. These were supposedly hardened kidnappers.

The leader raised his hands. Kevin grabbed him by the front of the green cloak. "Answer the Captain," he demanded, "Where is the child!"

The leader pointed across the cavern to a small alcove.

Since Kevin had the man under control Mira walked to the small alcove. The child was sleeping or at least she hoped that's all it was. Touching his neck she checked for a pulse, it was strong. Mira picked him up and walked back out. "They took a child from a Federation couple that is breaking Federation laws. I will see to it you never take another child from his parents ever again." Mira was a little touchy on the subject of kids since hers had been taken. The nightmares Kolar had to deal with broke her heart. "connect the Norris and have them taken into custody."

"Congratulations! You have completed your quest!"

What the Void, Kevin thought as he turned towards the passage. Junis and Zarah stood there smiling and clapping, flanking one of the Caretakers. Kevin still held the leader in his grasp but the other two, including the one that Mira had buried her dagger in, stood and brushed themselves off. Their images shimmered then dissolved into the form of caretakers as did Junis and Zarah.

Mira looked from the couple to the child in her arms. But instead of the half Trill boy, she held a mechanical device shaped like a toddler.

Frowning Mira put the thing she was holding down and moved to Kevin's side. She took his arm with a confused look on her face. "Why did you do this? I am sure I didn't need or ask for any action... Well not that kind of action on my vacation. I just wanted Kevin and I to spend time together with our son. Relaxing. " She looked up at Kevin "You didn't wish this? Did you?"

"Wishing to fall to my death?" Kevin replied dryly, "Hardly."

"Oh there was no danger of that," the Caretaker who had congratulated them said, "The repulsor beams would have slowed your fall enough that you wouldn't have sustained any serious damage. Just enough for some hurt/comfort." He waggled his eyebrows in a comically suggestive manner.

"I am Tellresk," he continued, slowly moving forward with his arms extended out to his sides, "the senior Caretaker in this district."

Kevin instinctively pulled Mira closer. "Pleased to meet you," he said in a flat tone.

"One of the kidnappers was going to stab Kevin," Mira said,
"I had to kill him with my blade."

The "victim" handed her blade back to Mira. The grey alien form had dissipated into a humanoid figure in a white onesie with a full head mask that covered the entire body. "I was aiming to miss," she replied simply.

"The holosuit is designed to project as well as disguise," Tellresk explained, "It deflected your blade in flight while creating the illusion that you aim was true. And you didn't hesitate to protect your mate. Very estimable! Just as you saved him on the cliff."

"Still doesn't explain why you had a child abducted," Kevin interjected, "For that matter, where is Daemund, if that is the boy's real name."

"It isn't," the Caretaker that had been Zarah admitted, "but it is a close approximation of what his actual name would be. Our son is safely in the care of other Caretakers assigned to this region." She knitted her brows. "You didn't think that we would really put a child in harm, did you?"

Mira narrowed her eyes, "Yes! The only reason we helped was because we thought the child was in danger. We came here as a family to just relax and enjoy the beauty of this world, not to play this kind of game. You aren't doing this to my crew, are you?" she asked with some suspicion.

"There are a few playing for their enjoyment," Tellresk answered, "at their own request. In your case, one of your crewmembers, a Lieutenant Commander Montgomery, requested that we arrange this bonding exercise for you and your mate. He insisted that implied danger to a child close in age to your son would be highly motivating. When you refused Junis and Zarah's offer for dinner we were afraid that you wouldn't take up the quest."

"I'm going to kill him!" Kevin declared as he absorbed what Tellresk had said, "I am going to dangle him off a cliff on the holodeck with the safeties turned off!"

When Kevin looked to her, she gave him a shrug. "First the bikini then this. You're in charge of crew discipline."

Kevin face changed slightly. "Bikini?"

It was at that point that Mira realized she had forgotten about telling him. "That bikini I was wearing on the Romulan base he sent to me with a note that said he hoped you liked it. " She shook her head."I had asked for some of my things to be sent over to me, and that was in the bag. I thought it odd."

Kevin pursed his lips in a narrow line. Oh yeah, he thought, I am going to give the Second Officer a good talking to when I get back to the ship.

Tellresk closed his eyes for a moment. "A few of your crew have become wrapped up in a game that was brought here. We do not understand this game, but your people, as with others, have become attacked to it"

Mira frowned. "we might need to check in with the crew."

"So much for our quiet family vacation," Kevin said, shaking his head as he walked arm in arm with Mira through the passageway and out on the cliff ledge. He marveled at the picturesque beauty of the lake and wooded landscape below them. "I was really looking forward to swimming."

"Me too," she smiled at the water, then shook her head. "We can contact the ship to get some information on what is going on, then have Kolar and Vaytoc sent back. I promised him a big pool to play in. I am not going to start disappointing him over a game. That might not be a problem. If it becomes a problem, then we will deal with it." She smirked, "or have Montgomery handle it. It seems he owns us at least one."


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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