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Where did he go?

Posted on Sun Aug 4th, 2024 @ 11:41pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Vacation on Amri V
Location: Amri V
Timeline: Present

{Amri V, Center City, Kanbu hotel}

Elora ran her hands down her scaled legs. "What, was with this game?" Not one man gave her a the time of day! She narrowed her eyes on a tall yummy looking male in a star fleet uniform. She had heard they were pretty open minded and this one liked games. She had one he would love! Walking over she pulled off the headset and smiled down at him, as he blinked wondering what had just happened.

"hi, tall dark and handsome. Why don't you come play with me. I have a game that is far better then this one."

Rodriguez smiled and took her hand.

About an hour later when Amy and Chin got back from a tour of the city, the lobby of the hotel was very quiet. There were people around, but no one seemed to be moving. Amy took Chin’s arm. "This is weird. I don't like it."

Chin nodded he felt the same way, but he wasn't going to tell her.

Amy whispered, "Do you think that game ate their brains?"

Chin’s head jerked to her face to see if she was joking. "You have been hanging around Zimia too long."

“Ouch, that's not nice at all. I mean, look at their faces.” Amy told him, still frowning at the people. “I expect them to start saying 'Brains' any moment.” She hissed at him.

They did look odd to him, too. Chin thought, "Let’s find Rodriguez and the others. We left them by that tree at the pool area."

Amy pointed, "Darcy and Mitch are still there, but I don't see Rodriguez."

Chin frowned. Well, that wasn't good. As a waiter walked by, Chin smiled. “Hello, by any chance, do you remember a tall guy with dark hair, wearing a star fleet uniform sitting at that table?"
The waiter looked to where Chin was pointing.

"Yeah, he left with some lizard girl a few moments ago."

"A lizard girl?" Chin repeated thinking that was very odd.

“He likes women, but I thought he had better standards than that." Amy huffed. "He has gone through almost every woman on the ship but our department."

Chin chuckled. "That's because Mira made a rule he couldn't date or sleep with anyone in communications. She didn't want to have the women who worked in that department have to deal with him afterwards. That would interfere with the work environment."

Amy looked surprised. "Really?" She smirked. "Well, what should we do now?”

Ensign Diego Rodriguez
Operations Officer
Ensign Sato Chin
Operations Officer


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