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One More Day...

Posted on Sun Jul 21st, 2024 @ 11:39am by Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Vacation on Amri V
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Current

K'ner reviewed her reports, finally satisfied with the balance of information contained. Dispatching those up the chain, she started looking over messages from the Haz Team, smiling occasionally at the raucous comments and descriptions of their various antics.

She still hadn't nailed down Almeida, other than briefly here and there. There'd been no time for a deeper dive with all the latest chaos, but he seemed quite competent and they could use his extensive skills with their mission-tasking. She wondered how long it would be before he questioned their time in service, his being longer, but she noticed a gap in the dates. "Hmmm, I'll have to look into that..."

She flexed and leaned left and right, then leaned forward to do a short handstand across her desk and exit her office. As small as it was, it was handy to have a place to herself now and then, especially on a ship so small. Although to be fair, it had quite a lot packed into such a diminutive package. It had proved quite capable of taking care of business thus far.

She saw an alert pop up on her HUD. A new member of security. Dersch... 'That should be a nice bit of help,' she thought to herself as she walked the sickbay. 'And he is a family man like Awal, that should give them some common bonding. Wife Freya. Daughters Katie and Kate Marie... I'll have to pay attention to which is which if I come across them, although I don't see any shipboard accommodations so he must have left them on the Starbase for their safety... or sanity, given the tight confines, especially during a mission.'

She let that go for now, Awal was sure to bring him by or pull him up during briefing to introduce him. He wasn't entirely a newbie so he should be able to continue to distinguish himself with his new assignment.

Stepping up beside her only patient, Nombson appeared to be recuperating well. He would likely take it a little easier next time he went spelunking. At least take better safety measures. She remained quiet so as not to wake the young crewman, satisfied he was on the mend and could even sally forth tom'w now that they've reached Amri V.

Closing out her notes, she relaxed by the nurse's station near the door as she reviewed the Haz Team training rosters upcoming. They really did need to allocate some space to a proper gym, maybe have Engineering do some reno to make it multi-purpose or something, but then they'd have to schedule its use... hmmm... Outfitting the cargo bay with gear though had seemed to work so far on a larger scale, especially with no holodeck. They could get in some physical activity just setting things up, and taking them down when it was needed to be a working cargo bay. She shook her head and decided to let things be for now until she had a better proposition to present.

Checking her dots again, she occupied herself with some medical reviews recently released, plus some tactical updates on the suits the team was so fond of.

One more day...


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris



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