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Reports before rest

Posted on Sun Jul 21st, 2024 @ 2:13am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Vacation on Amri V
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present


{USS Chuck Norris. Captain’s Readyroom}

Mira had spent most of her time going over ship reports. Having Lt. Walker in engineering had really improved on the ship's efficiency, she thought. Then she found the notation that their new assistant chief of security officer had just made it on the ship right before they left the base.

Lieutenant JB Dersch. He is married and has two daughters. She would have to find out if he brought his family to the base. They would need more family quarters on there. Or did they plan to squeeze 4 people into one of the small ship’s quarters while they were on missions?

Mira frowned as she looked around her tiny office. She loved her ship. It was small but powerful, and it let her connect with her crew in a way she never would be able to on a large sship. Although, it was times like this, when families were separated or stuck in a small ship quarters that she felt bad.

Kronnelti should enjoy having some aid with having an assistant.

Now that her Duties were completed, Mira started a list on the women that she had been kidnapped with. Once that was completed, she started to look each one up.

{Two hours later}

Mira was frowning at the list on who had disappeared. "This is crazy."
Vaytoc picked his head up to look at her.
"They really are missing." She told him as he cocked his head to the side, watching her with interest.

She closed down the console and then went to her quarters.

It was time to relieve Zimia from watching Kolar.

{USS Chuck Norris, Quarter's of the CO & XO}

Seeing Kevin sitting on the couch reading his PADD while Kolar played with his blocks brought a smile to Mira's face.

"Oh hi mama! I being good." Kolar told her with a big smile on his face.

" That's what I love to hear. My sweet little boy is being good." she squatted down and kissed his head before moving over to the couch and kissing Kevin. "I missed you," she told him. "I am going to change."

A few minutes later, Mira came out in black leggings and a black sweat jacket embossed with the star fleet logo on it. She curled up on the couch. As much as she tried, she couldn't seem to put away the strange talk she had with the Vulcan last night. What made it worse was not only the 7 women she had been told were missing, but so were 2 dozen more. Her mind worked out the pattern of the times they disappeared. There was a pattern and it didn't make her feel good.

Kevin's was watching her when she looked up
Mira wasn't sure for how long he had been, but she must have been sitting still longer than she had thought.

He made the come here motion. "What's your mind working on now? And is it going to have the ship inundated with engineers again?"

Mira chuckled as she moved to snuggle closer. "Not this time, but I do have plans."

He groaned playfully. “Poor Walker. Ok, then, what put that look on your face? Is something wrong?”

Mira started to say no but sighed. "I am not sure." Then she started to tell him what happened with meeting the Vulcan and the missing female Star Fleet officers. "There is a pattern. I believe the Orions are kidnapping women they use to own, then picking up a few other women in that area to sweeten the deal for themselves. Making the cost of retrieval more profitable." Mira frowned then gave a sigh." I sent a report in."
Kevin's hand rubbed her back.

She was quiet for a while, as she watched Kolar play. He seemed to think something was wrong. "Mama got boo boo?" Kolar asked her

She smiled. "I would love a kiss. Then we can get dinner. Tomorrow morning we are going out to have fun." she told him as he crawled onto Kevin's lap and kissed her cheek.

"no ork?" Kolar asked her.

"No work, only fun." Mira promised.


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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