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Promotion and a vacation

Posted on Mon Jul 22nd, 2024 @ 3:40pm by Crewman Dianna Kronnelti & Ensign Zimia Mariten

Mission: Vacation on Amri V
Location: Ready/play room
Timeline: Current

{USS Chuck Norris}

Both Dianna and Zimia took the kids to play in the ready room that was converted into a playroom when not in use.

( Ready room )

It's amazing that my husband got a promotion, he couldn't believe it. That it was unexpected also what's Amri v? Asked Dianna

Zimia nodded about the awards and promotions
"Oh, it's a beautiful resort world. Like Risa only, it's not tropical and beaches. It looks like high-tech buildings set in beautiful landscapes. We have these amazing quarters with fantastic views in a high-rise hotel. Mira is going out in the woods in a wooden cabin with a lake nearby. " Zimia told her with a smile."They have wishing statues only we have to watch what we say around it."

She's got a cabin!? That must be fun she said.

Awal would love that but I think Kevin and Mira would want to be alone.

What would you do on Amri v? Asked Dianna

"Well, the cabin could be fun, but it's going to be rustic? Mira said she is looking forward to cooking her own food. That doesn't sound like a vacation to me. Their are zoo's, pools, and restaurants with food from all over the place, and Mira seemed to think we would like the spa. I can never get Mira to go to them. She wants to go to the gym, rock climbing, and even crawling in the caves! There are bugs in caves! I am betting Kevin takes one look at the cabin without a replicator, and he will drag them both back to the city." Zima grinned.

Spa, wait they have a spa.....said Dianna with excitement. We have to do that and you'll love it

I hope Awal will enjoy his time off from work she said.

Zimia nodded. " Mira said there are 100's of them she booked us for one by our quarters to get the works" Zimia looked puzzled and then started to call off the list. "Hair." Zimia "Not that I have any, " she giggled."Nails, facials, massage, oh Mira asked for a female for you so Kronnelti doesn't kill him." She giggled again."Masks, mud.... I am not sure about that one, Steam baths. The list was very long she booked us 4 different days. So that should be fun. There are restaurants. I hope the food is as good as everyone has said."

Dianna giggled with excitement... Mira really went all out. This is going to be a day to enjoy. But what about Venus?

"Hmm. I hadn't thought about her. If Awal can't watch her, then we can ask Mira. She is bringing Kolar with her. They could have a play date or maybe Chin? He has really gotten great with Kolar."

I think Awal wouldn't say no to watching Venus. said Dianna

"Then we are all set, my bag is packed and I am ready to go!" She frowned for a moment "guess we have wait for the morning when we get there!" Zimia told her "I am ready!"

I'll start packing and knowing my husband he probably already packed our stuff.


Ensign Zimia Mariten


Dianna Kronnelti


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