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a vacation to remember

Posted on Sat Jul 20th, 2024 @ 12:36am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Vacation on Amri V
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present


{USS Chuck Norris. Briefing room}

Mira waited for everyone to get their coffee or water before she addressed them. "Good morning, crew."

On the viewscreen, behind Mira was the planet Amir V in the Shackleton Expanse. Her department Chiefs and Assistants were all sitting around the table.

"As you can see, Amir V has become the 'in place' to vacation. This is not a Federation planet, so we will be guests there. I want everyone going over the laws and protocols so we do not embarrass the Federation or cause a problem. There will be a zero tolerance policy in effect for this planet."

Mira picked up a PADD. "If there is anyone in your departments that you feel will be a problem, take their names off of the rotation." At hearing "Aye Captain" from them, she knew it would be handled.

Mira nodded and then looked back at her list. "This is a highly advanced civilization, but there are a few things they don't have, like replicators. We will also have to be assigned credit to all personnel to make purchases. The rooms are all taken care of by Star Fleet, but food and other items will need credits. Everyone will be given an allotment, so pass the word along. Be careful in the gambling rooms. I would like the lower ranked officers to go in small groups for safety. There seems to be an amazing amount of activities to choose from. I want all of you to take advantage of this and enjoy yourselves. I don't know when the next time we will get the chance for this kind of free time. The war will be keeping us very busy."

"Captain, what about possible Gorn attacks?" Kronnelti asked.

Mira nodded and then touched the Viewscreen. "The planet is surrounded by these." she showed a close-up of one of the devices. "Once you have permission to enter the safety zone around the planet, they let you in. Any other ship…" She played a short video of a ship exploding. "That was a Gorn ship, by the way."

"I have been assured we will be safe from the Gorn. There is also this." Mira showed them an image of an odd looking statue. Half lizard and half almost looked like a cow. "These are sacred and ... well its said they are magical." Mira shrugged, not believing it .

"All I know for sure is what the other two captains told me. Be careful what you say and how you say it. if you said, "I wish for a cup of Raktajino, it will appear on the table in front of the statue." Before Mira could finish saying that Zimia had handed her a large cup of Raktajino." Mira grinned.
" Hmm, it works here too!" She chuckled.

"I think it is very similar to a planet Captain James T Kirk ran into. The planet had technology able to make it look like it was granting wishes. We just have to be careful what we say around the statues. I don't want to insult the people if their equipment or God can't grant what some idiots asked for."

Zimia nodded. "So no, asking to be a fairy princess."

Mira raised an eyebrow, not trusting herself to speak but shook her head no.

"Can I ask to be Captain of a ship?" Zimia asked quickly.

"No!" Mira's eyes went to Kronnelti. "She is going with you and your family, right?"

Kronnelti nodded.

Mira nodded. "Ok unless there are any questions you are dismissed."


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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