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Plans to relax

Posted on Sun Jul 14th, 2024 @ 4:30pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner
Edited on on Thu Aug 1st, 2024 @ 12:46am

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present


{USS Chuck Norris, Bridge}

Mira walked on to the bridge, waving G'ginloss to keep sitting. "Go ahead and dock us. Then, release the crew."

He nodded. "Do you have plans Captain?" he asked her.

Mira nodded. "The crew has three days, then we head out again."

She grinned at the groans she heard. "Oh, pipe down. I have a surprise and we have to leave in three days."

Now that got Rodriguez's attention. "A good surprise? I mean, we will be missing out on all the fun on the base?"

Mira nodded. "Only the best for my crew. Amir V."

Rodriguez frowned, then turned around in his seat to call up information on the planet. "This place looks amazing."

Awal glanced over at Mira and gave a smirk, Amir V... "I've heard good things about it & I think Dianna, Venus, and Zimia would love it there."

Mira smiled. "That's the plan. There have been three other ships that have gone, and all gave amazing reviews. The people are extremely accommodating."

Rodriguez laughed, causing Mira to frown. "This planet isn't part of the Federation Ensign. You will all be considered diplomats and be on your best behavior at all times. Punishments for disobeying that order will be very unpleasant."

Rodriguez nodded. Mira continued to stare at him. Trying to see if he really understood how angry she would be if he did something stupid. Once he looked down and said, "Aye Captain," she thought she made her point.

Almeida kept quiet from the auxiliary science console and just observed his new crew-mates discussing Amir V. He hadn’t had the opportunity to introduce himself to many of the senior staff, but as ACMO he decided to keep his mouth closed and his ears open.

G'ginloss nodded, "So why don't we leave now? Why dock and wait three days?"

Mira gave him a sigh. "Ambassador M’Niras is giving himself an awards ceremony, and we have all been ordered to attend." Since she had pulled him off the Romulan base and ended his dream of his huge party, they were stuck going.

Kronnelti chuckled. "That cat really is full of himself."

Mira nodded, thinking the same thing. "All I need from the Crew is a list of how they would like to spend their time so I can include it with mine."

G'ginloss nodded. "Hunting."

Mira pulled out her PADD. "They do have hunting trips." she checked that off and then looked to Kronnelti. "I am assuming that your ladies would like to be treated at the spa?"

He gave her a nod. "What will you be doing?"

Kevin silently entered the bridge with Kolar in his left arm.

"They have rustic cabins in the woodlands with a lake. I will be in one of them, just soaking up nature. While the rest of you gamble, hunt, and go to the clubs." Mira smiled, thinking, just time to recharge her inner batteries so to speak.

"You hear that, cub?" Kevin asked Kolar, "We get mama all to ourselves. Yeah!" He pumped his right fist in the air in a celebratory gesture. Kolar mimicked him.
Mira laughed at the two of them.

"There are also gyms, sports areas, museums, and medical lectures? Well, that last one doesn't sound fun to me, but our medical staff might like them. Now, the only trick is to get K'ner to leave the ship for some fun."

G'ginloss shook his head. "Not going to happen, Captain, the woman lives to work or work out."

Mira nodded. "I work out every day so I can understand that, but the gym and parcor training center should get her interested. Her team needs at the very least new areas to work out in."

G'ginloss nodded his agreement. Mira looked over at their new doctor. "Any specific needs for you, Doc?" She handed him a PADD then turned to Rodriguez.

"Rodriguez, get me whatever information you can on Doctor Kori Sheva."

"Aye Captain" Rodriguez started to access the computer. "Captain? Are you sure about that name?" he asked her.

Mira nodded.

"There isn't anyone working for Star Fleet by that name." He told her. Mira frowned but nodded, her head still waiting on the new ship's doctor to look over what choices he could pick from. "If you're having trouble, doc. I'll just get you a room, and you can play it one day at a time." she looked around the room.

With docking complete, she nodded to the crew before walking up to Kevin and Kolar kissing Kolar's cheek. "Ready to go back to our quarters?"

As Awal walks out, he stops next to Mira. You both enjoy some alone time. He said. I'm overdue for mine with Dianna and Venus.

{ Hazard Team Barracks, USS Chuck Norris }

K'ner looked around at the merriment and shook her head. "REMEMBER, Keep it toned down today and be back on time for rotation so everyone else can get theirs before we leave! You'll have more free time once we hit Amir Five. BUT..." She switched to her serious, ignore-me-at-your-peril face.

"This is NOT a Federation world. You can certainly enjoy yourselves, but in moderation. We will have minimal influence here if anyone causes trouble, or gets in trouble. Not to mention what will happen when the Captain gets you back here, if she doesn't leave your tail altogether."

They all knew their Captain wouldn't do that, but they got the urgent point. Several were planning on supplies for the Amir trip, and some had appointments to attend to. K'ner had a couple of errands to take care of herself but her troops came first.

"First rotation, get out of here! Your timer is running!" She laughed at the mad scramble of those heading to the starbase, then the others were either hitting the rack or back to their dual-assigned duties. Once it had quieted down, she headed for medical to do much the same, she was just much more tactful and less abrasive with that team. Plus she hadn't nailed down the new recruit yet and wanted to get a read on him before he took off. She'd scheduled the new doctor for duty shifts, so he should be on board a while longer before liberty... enough time for that onboarding meetup. . .



Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Lucian Almeida
Combat Medic


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