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Posted on Sat Jul 13th, 2024 @ 12:07am by Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Current

{Sick Bay, Deck 2}

Kevin was still a little loopy while he was sitting up in the bio-bed, reviewing reports on his PADD. The sedative have not quite worn of yet. He heard the whoosh of the sliding doors opening and saw Mira enter the sick bay with Kolar on her hip.

"DA-DA!" Kolar shouted excitedly.

"Hi Cub!" Kevin replied with a big smile and a slight slur. The sedative have not quite worn off yet.

Mira smiled. "Should you be reading reports right now?" Mira struggled, keeping Kolar in her arms." Hold up there, little guy. Dada is still hurt, and you can't jump on him."

"It's okay," Kevin replied, "I'm tougher than I look." He was still smiling but there was a look of sorrow in his eyes.

Kolar nodded his head. "I be careful." Mira smiled she was always telling him to be careful. "Here, sit down next to dada." she smiled as he leaned into hug Kevin."We were in earlier , but you were still asleep." she leaned in to kiss him. "Don't do that again. My heart couldn't take it."

Kevin mimicked tapping a comm badge, "Kettle, this is pot."

Mira widened her eyes at Kevin's antics until she understood his meaning. She had done that to him..... a few times.

"Well, I had thought you were behind me."

“I was at first,” Kevin objected, “but things got chaotic very quickly.”

She straightened his sheets with a slight frown on her face. "We are heading back to base. I think that crazy cat finally understands with all the blood and gore coving the Romulan space station he wasn't going to get his party. He had been blowing up my comm with complaints. Until I explained they had other things to do, like funerals, and didn't have time to honor him for his work." Mira rolled her eyes. "We have 2 Klingon ships trailing us. of course, they are cloaked."

Kevin rolled his eyes at the mention of their Klingon escort then he continued, "The doctor says that I can be released to light duty today. Reading and writing reports keeps me from going crazy from boredom in here. Plus the sedative will make them highly entertaining to read." He winced slightly as he moved his injured leg to shift his weight and give Kolar more room on the bio-bed. "Everyday is gonna be leg day for a while."

"Well I can help with that. " she smiled. "The bug is gone. I have been trying to look for it but I think they hid it really good this time.

“Now that we know what to look for,” Kevin said optimistically, “it should be easier to find.” He made a mental note to conduct crew interviews to determine if there was a mole on their ship.

He grew more pensive as he played with Kolar for a moment before tentatively asking, “You mentioned funerals. How many died?”

"None of ours, but the Romulans were completely unprepared for the Gorn's attack. If the Klingons hadn't been there, I think the Gorn would have taken over the station. They aren't going to give us a full count. You know how Romulans are. Everything has to be a secret with them."

"Nurse, would you please leave us?" Kevin asked.

The nurse looked annoyed to be dismissed from her domain but as the Captain hadn't countermanded the XO's order. She had little choice.

"Computer, suspend monitoring. Command override, Lance 11 Verde Nepture 78." The computer quietly beeped its assent.

Mira looked at Kevin quizzically. He avoided her gaze as he softly said, "It was my fault."

Mira raised an eyebrow confused "that you didn't keep up with the group? It's OK next time I'll tie you to me." She grinned.

Kevin's continance was not lightened by Mira's joke. "Saeihr’s death that precipitated the Gorn's attack," he said, "I am responsible."

Mira was even more confused "Honey no you're not. She was killed by the Gorn. Are you sure you're feeling ok?" Mira's hand brushed the hair off his forhead, thinking he was confused by the medication.

"I replicated a mechanical version of the juvenile Gorn's jaws," Kevin confessed with little emotion, "and used the venom that K'ner was studying to create the effect of a Gorn attack. I didn't want to kill her but things got out of hand."

Mira's breath caught in her throat. " She wants to say the woman had to have gone after him, but he wouldn't have had time to make and get what he did. "Why?"

Kevin kept his head down but lifted his brows and raised his eyes to hers. "M'Niras was desperate to shift the Romulan's opinion and he was prepared to scarifice you to the Gorn. I needed to do something to change the Triumvirate's mind," he paused a moment, "I would do anything to keep you safe."

"Oh Kevin....."She set on the edge of the bed. A tear ran down her cheek. " I wish you had come to me.... I would have confronted M'Niras. Damn him." She closed her eyes. She was worried this was going to kill Kevin's soul in time.

"We might have changed the Ambassador's mind but it wouldn't have won the Romulans to our side," Kevin spread his hands in a questioning gesture, "Simulating a Gorn attack was the only thing that I could think of to accomplish both goals."

Mira bit her lip. "What if someone finds out? By all that is holy Kevin." She placed a hand over her face." No wonder the Gorn was so outraged. Sure, they had everything in place to attack already."

Kevin pursed his lips and furrowed his brow. "I think the way I staged the scene was enough pass a fairly detailed inspection," he said, "They might suspect that someone other than the Gorn killed Saeihr but the damage has been done. Even if they find out, the are committed against the Gorn."

Mira put her hand on top of his and nodded still worried. "OK." She bit her lip. "This can't get out. But will you be ok?"

"Eventually," Kevin sighed, "Let's get away, Mira. I need to be away from this ship and duty. I just want to be with you and Kolar."

Mira nodded. "I was hoping to do that last month when we got pulled into this. " Wondering how they could make that happen with the war starting up. "we are like months away from anything."

"Maybe we could steal the Admiral's yacht and head out into the Shackleton Expanse, never to be heard of again." From his expression, it was hard to tell if he was joking or not.

Mira smiled. "We need shore leave. I am betting the whole crew does. " She nodded, thinking of different plans, then discarding them until she came up with ." Amir V, it has an advanced civilization with a resort feel. I heard a few of the Captain’s talking about it in the last Captain’s meeting. They aren't part of the Federation yet, but it's beautiful, peaceful, and accommodating." She frowned for a moment,"maybe a little to accommodating. It's a bit like Risa.

The comment solicited a small smile from Kevin. "At least we won't be running into any of your old matchmakers," he joked.

Mira laughed "ah but we might be running into a whole new match, making problems. Not that we need any match making. What do you think? Do you want to be pampered at any of the huge resorts or cabins in the woodlands with a lake? They even have a beach themed area. " she looked at her PADD.

"A secluded cabin in the woods," Kevin mused, "with just me, you and Kolar, and plenty of things to climb? Sounds like paradise."

"That sounds perfect," she grinned and leaned over to kiss him.

"My Dada, my Dada, me kiss." Kolar told her. Mira raised an eyebrow. "Listen here, young man. I get to kiss him, too."

Kolar just shook his head no as he giggled.

Kevin grabbed Kolar and thrusted him into the air above his head. The boy squealed in delight. Kevin smiled at his son but in the back of his mind he wondered if Mira was hiding her true feelings about him being a murderer.


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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