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Klingon arrival

Posted on Tue Jul 2nd, 2024 @ 2:49am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: Romulan base station
Timeline: Present

{Romulan docking port}

Mira drummed her fingers on her leg, wondering what was taking so long for the Klingon ship to dock.

Jackson leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Seems to be a problem with who will be docking their ship. It must have something to do with the way the Romulans worded the permissions to dock.”

Mira nodded, which had been worded something to the effect, that only the primary ship should dock..... "Oh Jeez, the translation between Romulan to Klingon makes it sound more like only the important ship should dock. Yes, I can see the fight between the 3 captains now.” She rolled her eyes and then looked to the Centurion next to her. “Have them send a message that the Ambassador's ship is to dock. Nothing else needs to be said.” The man stepped back to a console.

Mira watched as one ship pulled forward to dock. “Have you prepared food and drink for them? They might be a little grumpy. That could smooth things over.”

“Aye Captain Rodale, a feast has been set out in one of the upgraded quarters. It was thought to have them bunk there as well.”

Mira nodded. If the room was as big as hers, then it could have a dining hall and bedrooms. "How many did they say to expect?"

"A delegation of 15, Captain." Centurion Kocas Reported.

Mira frowned. That is going to be a handful. She had been hoping for five. Nothing was ever easy, she thought.

She stood at attention as the doors opened, then smiled as she saw ambassador Jeth'un Klarr. She knew him well. Ok, maybe this wouldn't be as bad as she thought as she walked forward. "Ambassador Klarr, it is so good to see you again!"

Klarr pulled her in for a hug. “Ah, now this is a greeting I wish I had at every base. It is good to see you, little one. I had thought I would get some stuffy prune face.”

Mira laughed, "ah, you will get to meet them later. I am told there is food and drink awaiting us. Shall we go and see if it is up to your standards?" She took his arm.

"Lady Rasmehlier, where are your honor guards?" Klarr asked in a lowered voice.

Mira smiled. "I have a guard from my ship and one from the base."

He stopped walking and frowned, then looked to Captain K'klun Qaboh. "See if anyone from our ships is of house Rasmehlier. If not, send Krum over."

Mira shook her head. "I am among Klingons. I am perfectly protected now." That wasn't completely true, and they both knew it, but was a good lie. She was, at the very least, safe from the Gorns.

Captain K'klun Qaboh walked back to them. "I have three on my own ship. Two males and a female." He told them both.

Mira gave a little sigh, Klarr wasn't going to give up on this. "The female, if she is willing."

Before they had even left the docking port, a very tall 6' 2" Klingon woman joined them. She had a red strip of fabric tied to her left arm and one red braid behind her ear. Mira smiled. She had to be a close family member because her facial features and ridges were very similar to Kolar. Mira smiled as the woman introduced herself. "Lt. D'klala of house Rasmehlier, my lady."


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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