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Talking and drinking

Posted on Wed Jul 3rd, 2024 @ 3:24am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: Romulan base station
Timeline: Present


{Romulan space station, Klingon enclave}

Centurion Kocas led them to the quarters assigned to the Klingons, and Mira found herself in awe of how the Romulans had designed their space station. They could change areas with ease depending on what was needed.

The Klingons walked in and looked confused because it was all very Klingon. They had expected Romulan design. Ambassador Jeth'un Klarr looked to Mira. "Did you have anything to do with this?"

She shook her head no with a smile. She gave a little shrug. "This is in my belief, one of their holodecks. They wanted you to feel at home and comfortable. My own quarters look like I am on Risa." She walked in with confidence and then took a seat at the table.

One of the other Klingons moved forward. "Please wait, Lady Rasmehlier." he took out a tricorder and scanned the food and drink at his nodded the others moved forward.

Mira smiled. "It's all real food." she took a sip of the blood wine and nodded. "They got the best."
Klarr took a seat. "We didn't come here to be entertained and fed. Our enemies are on this base."

Mira nodded, sitting back. "I understand. But fighting the enemy will more then likely come. Right now, we have to see how many enemies we have and who we will be fighting."

"How long have you been here?" he asked her.

"We arrived yesterday." Mira told him honestly.
He gave her a nod. "Who do you think will join the Gorn?"

Mira took another sip of her blood wine and then said, "My guess? Or my gut is telling me we will be fighting the Gorn, Orions, and Nausicaans. Like I said, it's just based on seeing how friendly they are with the Gorn."

He nodded, ripping off a piece of meat with his teeth. After chewing, he asked, "Why are you here?"

Mira put her hand on her chest ." I am here to keep you all out of trouble." Mira told him with a smirk.

He raised an eyebrow at that. "And why are they here?" pointing to her security guards.

Mira shrugged. "To keep me out of trouble. I'm not sure who will be keeping them out of trouble, though."

It was quiet for a moment until they all started laughing and raising hell. Mira smirked. Honesty was always best with Klingons even if they thought you were joking.

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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