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Ready in time

Posted on Mon Jul 1st, 2024 @ 3:13am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: Romulan base station
Timeline: Present

{Romulan space station, transporter room}

This base was confusing. Probably, deliberately so to keep unwanted guests from going directly anywhere at all, Mira thought. It was a few moments ago that she had realized a Romulan guard was following her. She had just stopped walking and turned around with her arms crossed over her chest, raising an eyebrow at him. " Look, if you're going to follow me, you might as well make yourself useful. I need to meet someone in the transporter room. Then, get ready to meet with the Klingons. Unless you want me to keep sightseeing your lovely base, then your people can deal with the Klingons on their own. Of course, then you would have to answer to Ambassador M’Niras as to why I wasn't there."
Centurion Kocas smiled, he liked direct woman. "Centurion Kocas," he put his hand over his heart she spoke in perfect Romulan, so he continued the same. "The transporter room is this way, Captain Rodale."

{Transporter room, Romulan base station}
Mira waited for the transportation to begin.

Mira blinked at the man standing in front of her. He was new to the ship. He was tall about 6'2". He looked strong with Black hair and green eyes. From what Montgomery had said, Ensign Jackson could speak Klingon and had scored high on the hand to hand combat training.

"Captain Rodale, reporting for duty ma'am. I have your things." Jackson told her. He held a bag over his shoulder.

Mira gave a professional smile. "Thank you, Ensign, we have little time."

Centurion Kocas led the way back to her quarters.

"I am not really sure how much control I can get over the Klingons, but my job is to try and keep things as peaceful as possible." She gave a little shrug.

Jackson nodded to her, not really sure how they were going to manage this task. His job was to keep the captain safe. No matter what. That he was going to do.

Personal quarters, Romulan base station}

Mira changed into her baakonite reinforce suit. It was black, and it fit her extremely well. Stepping out of the bathroom, she found Jackson looking out over the water.
He turned to her in surprise. "Is that real?"
Mira shrugged. "Holodeck is my guess, but this room is awesome."

Jackson nodded as he watched Mira put on her weapon harness and mek'leth.
Her Klingon Baldric, with the symbol of her house, then the robe every Klingon warrior from captain on up wore. only instead of the normal gray, hers was a deep red. Mira looked at herself in the mirror.

"Captain, Klingons wear their hair down." Jackson told her.

Mira nodded she had been trying to decide on that. Down it was, then. Her hair had grown back and was about to her hips. Before she could put her gloves and arm guards on, Jackson held out a bracelet. "I almost forgot Lt Commander Montgomery sent this. He wants to be able to keep a closer eye on you. If we should get separated, we can find each other." He showed her he had one as well.

Mira clipped it to her wrist, then put on her gloves and arm guards. Damn, only thing she was missing was the ridges, but she did have spots. She grinned "Ok, let's get there as soon as possible."

{Docking bay}

Mira waited for one of the Klingon ships to dock.

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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