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The Mattresses Have Ears

Posted on Tue Jun 11th, 2024 @ 7:42pm by Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Current

{Emergency Bridge, Deck 2}

“What am I looking at?” Kevin asked Computer Specialist Gavron Y’Efrak after he had shown images and schematics of the device found between the mattresses in Mira’s quarters.

“It is an audio surveillance device” the Tellarite explained, “Pretty basic but sufficiently low tech enough to avoid the notice of most electronic detection.”

“Any idea who placed it?” Kevin asked.

“The receptors are standard Klingon design and manufacture,” Gavron continued, “but the transmitter, however, is completely foreign to me. It gives off a signal in the same frequency band as Star Fleet comm badges and other small electronic devices. Easily lost in the clutter of RF signature around the ship.”

“So most likely built by someone with access to Klingon technology,” Kevin postulated.

“I could likely discover more,” Gavron offered,” if I were able to disassemble it.”

“No,” Kevin declined, “I would rather that its discovery not become common knowledge just yet. Bad enough that I had it removed from the captain’s quarters but too much handling and intrusion will let whoever placed it know we have found it.”

“Yes, sir,”

“This is very good work, Specialist,” Kevin commended, “Thank you and you are release back to your duties.”

“Thank you, sir,” Gavron replied, and he turned to depart the emergency bridge.

Kevin considered the listening device in silence, undisturbed by the enlisted tactical and operations watch crew controlling their stations. If their discovery of the device had gone unnoticed by whomever installed it, he had the opportunity to feed the listener’s disinformation, which in turn could cause them to reveal themselves.

A plan started forming in his mind. His Cardassian was extremely rusty, but he remembered enough of the pronunciation that he could read from a prepared script and sound convincing enough. Plant the idea that there was a Cardassian spy aboard the Norris and see who reacts.

The only question in his mind was how much he should share with Mira.


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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