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Plans within plans

Posted on Mon Jun 10th, 2024 @ 11:43pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{USS Chuck Norris, Showers}

Mira just stood in the showers. Then, she rested her forehead on the cool wall as she fought off tears. She was stressed out. Going to Romulus was stressful enough without having to deal with Ambassador M'Niras’ bull crap. Someone had set up something in her room. For what reason, Kevin didn't seem to want to talk about it. Was it why he thought she should run all by herself? Was that how he felt? She squeezed her eyes closed. She was probably more trouble than she was worth. M'Niras had told her that for years.

Had Kolar felt that way? Was that why death and honor were more important than she had been? She shook her head as if she were trying to clear her thoughts. It didn't matter what Kolar had thought. That had been four very long and hard years ago. She had been a different person. Her son was all that mattered now.

She pulled her long auburn hair up into a ponytail, then dressed.

She was now behind in all her work, and her whole schedule was off. She hated to start her day off without a workout! On the up side, she had drank enough raktajino to keep her going for days.

She tapped her comm badge, " Captain Rodale to Montgomery. Have a team go over every single inch of my readyroom."

=/\= "Captain, is something wrong?" =/\=

Mira sighed. "That's what I want you to tell me." She told him before going to get a tricorder.

{Briefing room}

Mira frowned as she scanned every inch of the room. Nothing was showing up. Walking over to the console, she typed in a coded message to Isbethal. She knew no one would be able to find out who she sent it to or what had been said, but there would be a record of her sending a message off ship. She had the knowledge to change that as well, but as captain no one would question her.

Then she took a seat, pulling out her PADD to read the reports that had piled up.

Some time later, her comm badge beeped activating the console next to her she smiled. "it's been a while. How are you, my friend."

"You are looking as tried as I feel, Spots. I didn't expect to hear from you."

Mira nodded, she hadn't expected to have to contact her as well. But.... Mira began to fill her in on the odd happening, what M'Niras had told her, and what Kevin, of all people, had said she should do.

"I am surprised. I would have thought him more... the Protector type."

Mira nodded, sitting back in her chair. "I know. But maybe he changed his mind about the whole us thing?" Mira wasn't sure what to think, but he was letting her know she was on her own on this.

"All right. How do you want to do this?"

Mira bit her lip. "I want to keep my son safe. The three of us together."

"Understood, cold weather or warm?"

Mira looked away from the screen. Vaytoc cocked his head to the side, watching her.
" If I don't know, then no one else will either. if I choose, someone who knows me will use my likes and dislikes to track me down."

"Alright then, when do you want this to happen?"

" I am not sure. I want things in place as an escape plan. Back up. But if things go south, you know what to do."

There was a laugh “I always know what to do.”

Then, the screen went black. Mira frowned looking down at Vaytoc, her fingers sunk until his fur. "The three of us will be alright." Was she trying to convince herself or him? Maybe both.

Checking the status of the ship, she nodded. They were on track.
Once they reached Romulas, she was going to have play the game. Diplomatic bull crap.

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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