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Back on the ship

Posted on Sun Jun 9th, 2024 @ 6:10pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present


{USS Nocturne}

Ambassador M’Niras frowned. “We still have more things to cover.”

Mira shrugged as she stood up. At this point, she really didn’t care. He had taken up more than enough of her time. Basically, he wanted her as eye candy, a distraction, nothing more. Reluctantly, she took the uniform handed her. “Correct size?”

The steward nodded.

Mira walked to the transporter room. Stepping up in the transporter pad, she frowned down at her pink socks. “The day has barely started, and I am over it. “

{USS Chuck Norris, family quarters}

Mira hung up her uniform and then turned to see what had been found in her bed. Her eyes meet Kevin’s. “Your theory as to why it is there?” She finally said,” You never did say what you found out about the bear?”

Mira’s eyes were going to the wall again. There had been something bugging her about it, and she couldn’t figure out why.

“And I am guessing that’s not part of the Force field?” Mira asked.

She picked up her son with a smile. “What a big boy. look you found something that mommy and daddy doesn’t even know what it is.” She tickled him, making him giggle.

Trace picked it up and put it in a container. “I would like to go over your room, Captain, if you don’t mind.”

“Of course, Walker, do whatever you need. I need a shower and a uniform.” She told them as she handed Kolar to Zimia.

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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