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I don't think so

Posted on Thu Jun 6th, 2024 @ 3:40am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: USS Nocturne
Timeline: Present


{USS Nocturne}

Crus set back down in the chair, watching Mira with interest. "So you took the Captain position?"

Mira slowly shook her head no , "I was givin' the Captain’s position. There is a difference." Mira reached up to take her hair down and run her fingers through it before twisting it up in a messy bun. it was the best she could do with it right now. She was happy she had taken to sleeping in legging and tank tops. Still, she didn't feel comfortable sitting here and in what smelled like Crus' bed. Vaytoc was going to be furious, smelling a cat all over her. He rather liked Kevin. So when she did hug him, Vaytoc didn't act unsettled by it.

Crus sniffed her. "You don't smell like your mated. There isn't even a Klingon mating bite on your neck."

Mira narrowed her eyes." You know my mate died four years ago, and as to any scars I had on my body was taken by Q.” She stood up. "If you want me to continue to be some what pleasant, I need a raktajino. "

Crus huffed. "Fine, come with me. The ambassador has some questions for you. "

Mira frowned, but the promise of coffee in any shape or form was getting her to move to the dining room.

Ambassador M’Niras stood with a smile. "Oh it is so nice of you to join me for a meal."

Mira raised an eyebrow at him.
Was he serious? He leaned down and kissed her forehead. Mira froze then frowned What the hell?
He had never showed her any form of affection as she was growing up and Mira had craved any affection she could have.
"So your not mated?" He asked her with a smile. "Crus is still single."

"No, I am happy in the relationship I am in with the father of my son." Mira told him, sipping her sweet Raktajino.

M’Niras nodded. “Have you been having trouble with any Andorians?"

Mira squirmed in her seat uncomfortable with the turn of questions. " one." She answered honestly.

"Sheris?" he asked her.

Mira frowned. "Yes and it's none of your business."

"What about the attack on your son." He asked her

"You mean my son's bear?" she laughed, but M’Niras didn't join in. "What is this all about?" She asked him.

M’Niras sat forward. "have you ever been to Romulus before?"

Mira nodded, "Yes, Q took us on a trip in that area. But M'Niras, I don't understand what's going on why? I have already talked about this with Star Fleet."

He frowned, " I am not sure."
He pushed a plate of food in front of her. She looked too thin to him.

The first thing she picked up was bacon. "What is your game plan with the Romulans?" She asked curiously.

"Vovutho has a thing for young women perhaps you could do a little flirting?" He asked her.

"No. Our job it to keep you safe." Mira smiled. "I am not flirting with anyone." She smirked at him. Damn it she should have known he was being nice to get her to do something she didn’t want to do.
Crus frowned “So you have had no other contact with Andorians?”

Mira frowned. “ It’s been years since I have had any dealings with Andorians. “ she laughed “its been years since I had dealing with anyone.”

Ambassador M’Niras ran his fingers on his chin. “Perhaps this has something to do with your brother?”
Mira frowned “ I don’t want to talk about him or Sheris.”

Ambassador M’Niras nodded slowly “its taking far longer then I thought for your ship to realize your not on it anymore.”
Mira frowned “it’s still Pretty early.”

Off: tag

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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