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Missing Persons

Posted on Thu Jun 6th, 2024 @ 5:09pm by Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Edited on on Mon Jul 1st, 2024 @ 11:31pm

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Current

{Bridge, Deck 1}

“We didn’t find anything,” the Second Officer stated.

“Then look again,” Kevin demanded.

“Kevin,” Lieutenant Commander Montgomery explained patiently, “we have been over every inch of this ship…twice”

“There has to be a surveillance device,” Kevin countered hotly, ”There were too many Klingons on this ship to sufficiently monitor all of them the whole time. They would have had ample opportunity to install one when we weren’t paying attention.”

“Yes, sir,” Montgomery replied dejectedly. Before either could continue, Kevin’s comm badge chirped. =/\= “Mariten to Lance.” =/\=

Kevin suppressed a grimace. He had never gotten along well with the hyperactive Ensign and he wasn’t entirely happy when Mira appointed Zima as Captain’s Yeoman and Kolar’s nanny aboard but as least she wasn’t pushing Klingon tradition and culture on his son. Mostly Kevin and the Ensign stayed away from each other so if she was contacting him, it must be important.

“Go ahead, Yeoman,” Kevin replied.

=/\= “Do you know where the Captain is?” =/\=

It was a curious question but not without precedence. “At this time, I would imagine that she is in the gym,” Kevin answered.

=/\= “I would have thought so too but I already checked there. When I didn’t find her I went to her quarters. Kolar and Vaytok were there but no Mira.” =/\=

“Science,” Kevin ordered, “Find the Captain”

“Scanning,” the duty science officer replied.

“Ensign Chin.”

The communications officer had already anticipated Kevin’s request, “Sir, the Captain’s comm badge is still registering in her quarters.”

Kevin nodded in acknowledgement.

“Commander,” the science officer turned towards Kevin, “The Captain is not aboard the ship.”

“Red Alert,” Kevin ordered.

“Commander,” Ensign Chin called out, “We are being hailed by the Nocturne.”

Kevin swore quietly. He didn’t have time to deal with the Ambassador. “Put it on screen,” he directed.

The view of the Ambassador’s ship against the star field dissolved into an image of a Caitian that Kevin did not recognize. The was a pause, then the Caitian asked, “Did I catch you at a bad time?”

“Not at all,” Kevin lied, ignoring the klaxon sounding in the background.

Another pause as the Caitian processed what was said against what he saw. “The Ambassador wanted me to remind you of the invitation for the senior officers to join him at brunch.”

Mira had flatly rejected the offer the evening before. That should have been the end of the matter. “I am afraid that we will have to decline. The Captain is…unavailable for the moment.”

The Caitian’s lips spread into a toothy expression of a grin. “Captain Rodale is already aboard Nocturne. She beamed over earlier.”

Kevin’s head turned to the Second Officer. Montgomery looked up from his console and shook his head in the negative.

“Your Captain is asking for your immediate presence,” the Caitian concluded, “Duty uniform will suffice.”

Kevin needed to get over to the Nocturne to confirm that Mira was alright. Accepting the offer seemed the most expedient method of achieving that goal. “We will beam over presently,” he replied, “Norris out.”

“Secure from Red Alert,” he ordered, “Commander Montgomery, you have the conn. Instruct the other senior officers to join me in the transporter room.


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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