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Person of Interest

Posted on Thu Jun 6th, 2024 @ 1:03am by Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Edited on on Thu Jun 6th, 2024 @ 1:03am

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: After Oh This Should Be Fun

{Bridge, Deck 1}

“Commander Lance,” the duty communications officer call out, “I have a personal transmission incoming for you.”

Kevin turned to the officer, “Who is it from?”

“The transmissions is encoded,” the officer replied with some confusion, “The only identification is ‘Eleven’.”

Kevin gave a knowing nod. “I will take it in my quarters,” he announced.

Mira gave him a questioning look. Kevin leaned in towards her and quietly said, “I am pretty certain that this is about the Andorian who tore up Kolar’s teddy bear.” And with that he turned to leave the bridge.

Once in his quarters, he entered his personal code into the computer at his small desk and was rewarded with an image of Lieutenant Shen Th’rosk.

Before he could greet his old academy teammate, Shen blurted out, “What the hell have you gotten yourself into?”

Kevin was taken aback. “Excuse me?” he asked.

“Your girlfriend is a person of interest to the Imperial Guard,” Shen replied. Kevin might have been embarrassed at Shen’s frank assessment of Kevin’s relationship with Mira but the mention of the Imperial Guard pre-empted his feelings.

He stroked his beard as he responded, “After the incident with Delegate Sheris, I guess I am not surprised.” What did surprise him was that HE wasn’t a ‘person of interest’ after the duel with Sheris.

Shen gave a dismissive wave. “The man is an ass,” he said, “Gives true masters of seduction a bad name. But Captain Rodale became a person of interest well before that incident.”

“Really?” Kevin couldn’t keep the confused tone from his voice, “Is she in some sort of trouble with the Andorian government?” He didn’t remember Mira saying that she had had run-ins with the Andorians.

Shen grew circumspect, “Uncertain, could mean that the IG sees her as a threat but I don’t get that feeling. There is something else at play. I was hoping that you could fill in the gaps.”

Kevin spread his hands, “I am afraid I am more in the dark than you are,” he said before transitioning, “Were you able to find out anything about the guy who assaulted my son’s teddy bear?”

“I was able to confirm that your assailant was IG or at least IG-adjacent,” Shen acknowledged, “Couldn’t get a positive identification. Still, the situation is very strange. Did you check for surveillance devices?”

“No, I confess that I did not.” Kevin was chagrined that he had not thought of it himself. Trace hadn’t reported anything when he reassembled by bear. Still, it would likely be good to check.

“Probably doesn’t matter. The event was so overt that he was more likely to have been retrieving a device than planting one.”

“Thank you, Shen,” Kevin answered, “I owe you.”

Shen smiled broadly for the first time during their conversation. “You better believe you do,” he replied, “I’ll keep an ear out and let you know if anything else comes to light.”

Kevin terminated the connection. Shen’s question about surveillance brought forward in his mind another concern. He tapped the communication panel on his desk.

“Lance to Operations.”


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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