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Posted on Wed Jun 5th, 2024 @ 9:18pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: USS Chuck Norris /USS Nocturne
Timeline: Present

{USS Chuck Norris, Bridge}

Mira sat there for a moment, her breathing controlled. “G’ginloss, see that whoever needs to see that message does. Ensign Jackson, contact the USS Nocturne, and find out if the ambassador will increase speed. “

Mira tapped her fingers on the arm of the chair as she waited to hear back.

Jackson turned in his chair, shanking his head. “he said no. The Romulans are expecting us at a set time, not early. We aren’t increasing speed. “

Mira closed her eyes, angry.

Jackson continued, “He also wants you and a few of the command staff over for brunch tomorrow.”

Mira frowned. “Lovely.” She said sarcastically. “Let’s have a tea party while we slowly head into enemy space to maybe make new friends. All the while, people are getting killed.” She stood up “fine. I am going to try and get more sleep, if I have to deal with him tomorrow.”

Shaking her head, she walked back into her room. Kolar was still asleep. Vaytoc cocked his head to the side. “Yeah, I am not happy.” She poured herself a shot of whiskey. Then, she downed it. Feeling the burning slowly slide down her throat. Pouring another and downing it before she put the bottle away. Normally, she would drop to the floor and start doing push-ups, sit-ups, and any other exercises she could do in her room. Even run the hallways of the ship. She could go down to the gym now that they had a decent one for this size ship. But……

She looked over at her sleeping son. With a sigh, she slipped off her jacket and climbed into bed. Mira wasn’t sure she could fall asleep again, but she was warm and comfortable snuggling with her little boy.

Vaytoc laid his head on her leg.

It wasn’t long before she was back asleep, trying to block out everything she had seen in those messages. Tomorrow, she would deal with all that tomorrow.

{USS Nocturne}

Tomorrow intruded far earlier than she had wanted. Mira tensed. Something didn’t feel right. Her eyes snapped open. Not her room…. Not her ship. She could tell she was on a ship by the ship vibrations, but it wasn’t the USS Chuck Norris.

Her hand slowly reached for her blade and found the holster empty.

“You’re fine. I can already tell you are awake.” A voice purred in amusement.

Mira frowned, sitting up slowly. She knew that annoying voice. “What the hell, Crus?”

He had been reading a padd but stopped to smirked at her.

“This is kidanpping.” Mira told him with a growl, “where is Vaytoc and Kolar?”
He gave a little shrug, “probably wherever they fell asleep at.”

Mira launched herself at him. Crus stood up quickly, catching her with feline grace, then tossed her right back on the bed. “Behave, we did nothing with them. Both are on your ship.”

Mira growled. She had been in bed with her son and cat. So Vaytoc would watch over Kolar or get someone who could. It wouldn’t be long before Chin and Zimia would notice she wasn’t where she told them to meet her. But knowing them two, they would think she overslept and go back to bed happy. No help at all. Didn’t she program the computer to tell them if someone was beamed off the ship?

“it’s not kidnapping. Ambassador M’Niras invited you for a bunch since you didn’t reply, he insured you would be here.”

Mira narrowed her eyes if only she could kick his butt.


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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