
Personal Log: Lieutenant JB Dersch

Posted on Sun Jul 21st, 2024 @ 7:28am by Lieutenant JB Dersch
Edited on Sun Jul 21st, 2024 @ 7:30am

Date: 2392-07-21

Stardate: 58241.1

Location: USS Chuck Norris, Earth Orbital Dock

Log Entry

Well, here we are—on the brink of a new adventure as the USS Chuck Norris is almost ready to leave Earth’s orbit. It’s been a whirlwind of activity these past few weeks, and I’ve been doing my best to keep up with everything as the new Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer.

Ship's Status:

The Chuck Norris is still in the final stages of pre-launch preparations. The crew is abuzz with activity, completing system checks, calibrating equipment, and attending briefings. The atmosphere on board is charged with excitement, and I can’t wait for us to get underway. Captain Rodale and Commander Lance have been keeping things moving smoothly, and their leadership is already making a positive impact.

Current Duties:

As the Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer, I’ve been focusing on getting a handle on the ship’s defensive systems and the security protocols for our upcoming mission. It’s a lot of information to process, but I’m enjoying the challenge.

We’ve been running through simulations to fine-tune our defensive strategies and review the ship’s security protocols. The Defiant-class design is compact and efficient, with a focus on tactical superiority and agility. It’s quite a shift from my previous assignment on the USS Discovery, but I’m excited about the new opportunities this role presents.

Crew Dynamics:

Getting to know the crew has been a highlight of my time so far. Captain Mira Rodale is a seasoned leader with a reputation for decisive action and tactical brilliance. I’m looking forward to learning from her and contributing to her mission. Commander Kevin Lance, the First Officer, seems just the same.

I’ve also been getting to know the other members of the security team. Chief Petty Officer Graves has been a great resource, sharing his extensive knowledge of the ship’s security systems and offering advice on how to handle various scenarios. It’s clear that he’s dedicated to his role and to helping the rest of us succeed.

Personal Reflections:

As I stand on the bridge of the Chuck Norris and look out at Earth below, I’m filled with a sense of pride and anticipation. I’ve come a long way since my early days at Starfleet Academy, and it’s amazing to see how far I’ve come. This new assignment is an opportunity to put all that training and experience to the test in a new and exciting way.

I find myself reflecting on the missions and challenges I faced on the Endeavor. Those experiences have shaped me into the officer I am today, and I’m eager to apply what I’ve learned to our upcoming adventures.

Future Goals:

My career goals remain focused on advancing within Starfleet and contributing to important missions. I’m eager to take on more responsibilities and demonstrate my capabilities in this new role. My long-term aim is to become a Chief Tactical Officer and eventually achieve a command position, and this assignment is a crucial step in that journey.

Hobbies and Interests:

In these final days before our departure, I’ve taken some time for a few personal interests. I’ve been exploring the ship’s gym and working on my hand-to-hand combat techniques. It’s a great way to stay in shape and blow off some steam before we embark on our mission.

I also picked up a new book from the ship’s library titled The Art of War in Starfleet by Dr. Helena Carter. It’s a deep dive into military strategy and tactics from a Starfleet perspective, and I’m finding it both fascinating and useful for my role.

End of Log Entry

Lieutenant JB Dersch
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer, USS Chuck Norris




Comments (3)

By Lieutenant Betaras K'ner on Sun Jul 21st, 2024 @ 11:00am

FYI... we're not in orbit around Earth... Our recent homebase assignment is Starbase 364. That's where we're just departing from after another harrowing mission, and heading for a non-SF world in the Shackleton Expanse called Amri V, legendary for its resort amenities. We've been given an allotment of local currency to cover basic expenses.

Welcome Aboard! 8^)

By Lieutenant JB Dersch on Sun Jul 21st, 2024 @ 12:59pm

I had the log take place before it left

By Captain Mira Rodale on Thu Aug 1st, 2024 @ 4:11am

Welcome back!