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Strikers for Life

Posted on Fri May 17th, 2024 @ 3:45pm by Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Current

{Emergency Bridge, Deck 2}

Kevin was reviewing the security video footage of the incident between Ensign Chin and the unnamed Andorian. It had taken some convincing of the Caitian Chief of Security. The cat had insisted that any incident on the starbase was his jurisdiction but Kevin had dropped the name of the head of the Star Fleet Investigation as a close acquaintance which put the Caitian into a much more generous state of mind.

The incident occurred much as both Mira and Ensign Chin had reported. Seeing the interaction didn’t give Kevin any additional insight as to why the Andorian had taken offense at seeing Kolar’s teddy bear. The Andorian’s clothing was non-descript civilian attire that gave no indication who he was or where he was from. Kevin was in the process of programming the computer to run facial recognition with the Starbase’s mainframe when his comm badge chirped.

“Commander Lance, here” he replied after tapping the badge.

From the bridge, Ensign Rodiguez spoke =/\= “Sir, I have an incoming transmission for you from Lieutenant Shen Th’rosk.” =/\=

“Thank you, Mister Rodrigeuz,” Kevin replied, “I will take it here from the emergency bridge.”

=/\= “Aye, sir.” =/\=

Kevin tapped the controls on the tactical console and the main view screen lit up. Shen’s smiling visage filled the screen. “Seventeen!” he announced with genuine enthusiasm, “Wonderful to hear from you! To what for I owe the pleasure?”

“Hello, Shen,” Kevin replied and he held up Kolar’s teddy bear, fully restored by the ship’s Chief Engineer, “Does this offend you?”

Shen’s smile dropped almost immediately as he studied the image that he was receiving. After a few moments contemplation he answered, “The only thing that I find offensive is that evident fact that a former teammate of mine requires the security of a stuffed animal.”

“It’s not mine,” Kevin retorted, “It’s Kolar’s.”

“Who is Kolar?”

Void! Kevin thought. He hadn’t intended to reveal that information. “That isn’t important,” he answered, waving his hand dismissively.

“It is if you want my help,” Shen replied smugly.

Kevin gave an internal sigh, “Kolar is my son.”

“Your son?” Shen perked up, “Didn’t take long for you and your little Trill to get busy, did it.”

Kevin was immediately embarrassed. “We didn’t,” he continued in a flustered babble, “Rather we are the boy’s genetic parents. He was birthed but a Q using Captain Rodale’s DNA and mine was added later.”

“Soooo…you haven’t bedded her.”

Kevin’s shoulders slumped. This conversation wasn’t going the way he had planned. “It’s complicated.”

“No, it isn’t,” Shen replied brightly, “You just take her into your arm and plant a big, wet…”

“ENOUGH!” Kevin shouted, “I need to know if this toy solicits a strong emotional response from you.”

Shen shook his head. “Why would you think it would?” he asked.

Kevin gave a short explanation of the incident in which an Andorian had torn the teddy bear in two. Shen listened and his brows furrowed, “I am as confused as you are. I can’t think of a logical reason that your assailant would react that way. Is he touched in the head?”

“I don’t know who he is,” Kevin confessed, “I was hoping that you could help.”

“Because we Andorians all know each other,” Shen responded sarcastically.

“It’s not like that,” Kevin replied, “but I know that your family has connections. I need a favor. Strikers for Life?”

Shen’s lips pursed in a straight line as he considered Kevin’s request. Finally, he answered, “Strikers for Life. Send me what you have and I will see what I can do.”

“Thanks, Shen. You’re the best!”

Shen’s trademark smile returned. “Isn’t that what I had always said?”

Kevin gave a half smile. “Thanks again. I’ll send the data over soon. Norris out.”

Kevin returned to programming the facial recognition query and packed up the data that he as assembled. When he finished, he checked the ship’s chronometer. I was time to get ready for Kolar’s birthday.


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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