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Toy shopping?

Posted on Fri May 17th, 2024 @ 2:08am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: SB 364
Timeline: Present


{SB364, Puzzles Toy Emporium}

"It's the same blasted bear!" Mira told him again.

Kolar shook his head no, then tossed it on the ground.

The man behind the counter winced, "At least he isn't human. Those kids are so stubborn."

Mira closed her eyes and bit her lip. "He is half human." she half whispered.

The old man chuckled, "You have my condolences for putting up with both of them."

"Both? there is just one of him." Mira said, confused.

The man still chuckled, "the father? he is human, right ? "

Mira smirked "yes he is, and my XO."

Mira picked up the bear again, "Kolar, this is where Zimia got you this bear. it's his bubba. Be nice."

"no, no, no, not mine." Kolar shook his head fiercely.

"You, young man, are on my last nerve, and oh look, it just caught on fire and burned up. Blu is gone. he went bye-bye because of the mad man."

Kolar nodded. "Bad. Bad. Bad. " then he made a ripping motion with his little hands. "My blu." he said sadly.

Zimia came running in the store with a bear in her hands. "Look who I found? It's Blu"

Kolar was happy for all of two seconds, then shook his head no "no blu." he told them.

Zimia frowned "Mira, I got them at the same time. two of these and one pink one. I wasn't sure if Dianna was really having a girl."

Mira passed Kolar to Zimia. "I'll take the case." She told the salesman." Send them to my quarters and this one, too. " Mira hugged the bear, "my Blu bear. Mine and Vaytoc's not yours, " She told Kolar. "Don't let me catch you hugging My blu bear."

Zimia chuckled. "Reverse psychology. I like it! but I think your son is too stubborn for that. "

"I need a drink." Mira told her. "Many, many drinks."

Zimia nodded. "You should have had a girl."

Mira raised an eyebrow. "I didn't have this one."

"Maybe that's the problem. Kolar wants a little sister. When are you and Kevin going to have another one? Ship has a poll going, and I want to win!"

Mira shook her head as she looked around the shop. Dianna had said Kolar had to open a present up or it wasn't a birthday party, but everything she showed him was a no or not blu.

"What about this?" Zimia asked

"If he is getting a toy ship, it is going to be a Defiant-class!" Mira told her.

The salesman chuckled, holding up one. "Do you want it wrapped." At her nodded, he started to. "What are you going to do with 14 bears?"

Mira blinked. What was she going to do with the bears if Kolar didn't pick one? "Target practice. I am going to toss them at my son." Mira told him, making the old guy laugh.
She bopped Kolar on the head with the stuffed bear. It was brown and cream in color with blue eyes. As he laughed at her She tucked it under her arm and then put the present in the diaper bag. "I want to get him something." Zimia whined.

"Fine, take him with you, then meet me at the bar. I am getting that drink."

{Wasted space. SB364}

she slipped into the bar stool by the door. " 2 shoots of whiskey straight up." She told the woman.

"Bad day, Captain? or man trouble?" The bartender asked.

"Man trouble of the little short kind...... my one year old." Mira told her

The woman nodded.

"I just don't get it. His favorite toy got ripped apart, and I found twin bears to his, but no, it's not him. " Mira shook her head.

"Maybe it doesn't smell the same.?"

Mira's eyes widened. Could that be it? She thought . Looking down at Vaytoc, she said "here fur ball, make it smell good."


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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