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Early morning run

Posted on Tue May 14th, 2024 @ 3:08am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: SB 364
Timeline: Present


(SB364 Family quarters}

Mira had, once again, fallen asleep while putting Kolar to bed. Or perhaps her little boy waited until she fell asleep before he did. At this point, Mira wasn't sure.

She watched her son eat his breakfast as if food was the best thing ever. He really liked the baby pancakes with fruit. It was made out of baby cereal, eggs and fruit. "Mama ummy." He grinned showing off his two little teeth on the bottom of his jaw.

"You like that, huh? better then gagh right? " Mira told him, sipping her Raktajino. “You want to go see Tanom." She hadn't really talked much to her since Kevin and her ran off on the ship.

Kolar shook his head no. " Mama and dada."

Mira chuckled "Right, mama and dada."

He watched her. "No ork?"

"No work, little guy. Let's go to the gym. I need a good run. " She held up a backpack. "You get to ride in this!" Mira wouldn't be able to run as fast as she normally did or do cartwheels, but she would be carrying extra weight. "You want to go fast?" Mira asked with a smirk.

He nodded his head, willing to go out with mom anyplace. It was still really early, so Mira left a message for Kevin to let him know they were at the gym for a run. If she couldn't go outdoors for fresh air, then running would help.

Tapping the console, she programmed the computer to send out a message to each crewman awake, and the others would get the message as soon as they woke up. "Good morning, crew of the USS Chuck Norris. There will be an all you can eat dinner for all of you in the officers' lounge on SB364 tonight at 5pm. Casual clothing and open bar. See you there."

That was short and simple with no lies. She nodded, putting Kolar in the baby backpack and then strapping him in before slipping him on her back. Clipping the straps around her waist and shoulders. "Here we go. Are you ready? "

Kolar giggled as mom's little hops bounced him up and down. Then they were out the door and to the gym. Mira dropped the Diaper bag on the bench. "We are going normal speed, Vaytoc, so if you need to go crazy, do it." The words were barely out of her mouth before Vaytoc was gone. He would go as fast as he could around the track and then stay with them once he got back. Mira hadn't done any weight training, but now that she had a son, she would not only do her normal training but add Kolars' weight as he grew. She had to climb out of many situations, having to rely on her own bare hands. Now she might need to pull the both of them out of trouble, so it was time to start.

With all the giggles she heard coming from Kolar, she was guessing he was having fun too. As she went around a third time, Mira wondered how he would do on the other equipment. She ran up the stairs then across the balance beam. Pulling herself up on the bars. She just had to make sure Kolar didn't grab a bar.

captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Betaras K'ner on Thu May 16th, 2024 @ 1:12am

Nice! 8^)