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Posted on Wed May 8th, 2024 @ 2:04pm by Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: Flux
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Current

{Transporter Room, Deck 2}

Kevin stepped off of the transporter pad, his hands shaking. He had just returned with an engineering and security team from Lucin’s cave on the planet’s surface. The mysterious man was nowhere to be found but they had found two survivors of the seven-personal haz team that Kevin had ordered to stay with Lieutenant Walker. The two were in really bad shape, delirious from a lack of water and loss of blood. They had been transported to the sick bay where Kevin hoped that K’ner’s medical skill would be enough to save them.

Based on the condition of the cave, it had been a desperate fight for survival against the adolescent Gorn. The deceased members of the haz team had made the Gorn pay dearly and nearly a dozen of the quadrupedal lizards were amongst the dead. The recovery team had found several of the haz team’s recording devices intact. Kevin began the process of collating the recordings into a narrative of the events.

Several hours later, Kevin sat in his quarters watching the footage of the fight against the Gorn. He wanted to review it before forwarding it to the Captain. The scene played out much as he suspected. Lieutenant Walker had ordered the haz team into defensive positions, using the mouth of the cave as a chokepoint. As the Gorn attempted to enter the cave, phaser fire from the haz team lanced into their ranks. Walker ordered setting phasers for maximum light emission and called for reinforcements but it was not enough.

A couple of the Gorn made it through the phaser fire and assaulted the haz team. The slackening of fire allowed more into the cave. Trace went down with a severe injury to his leg and fell unconscious. He was dragged back to the displacer pad. A crewman somehow activated it but not before three Gorn joined the Chief Engineer and all four were displaced to the past. Then an explosion collapsed the mouth of the cave although its cause was unclear.

The remainder of the video showed the deaths of five of the haz team in gruesome manners, torn apart by vicious claws. The bloodshed made Kevin feel a little queasy but his mind was racked with guilt over the knowledge that the crewmen in the recording were dead because of his order.

He forced himself to watch to the end of the video but found it impossible to stem the tears that steamed down his face.


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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Comments (3)

By Lieutenant Betaras K'ner on Wed May 8th, 2024 @ 4:20pm

ummmm... they've already been recovered (see prev post)...

By Commander Kevin Lance on Thu May 9th, 2024 @ 2:36am

Kevin was along on that away team...Didn't you see him :)

By Lieutenant Betaras K'ner on Fri May 10th, 2024 @ 12:34pm

Ah!! I wondered who was pulling them into the hatch! hehe