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Bump in the night

Posted on Sun Apr 21st, 2024 @ 8:37am by Lieutenant Betaras K'ner
Edited on on Fri Apr 26th, 2024 @ 2:06am

Mission: Flux
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: 1.1 Million Years Ago

K'ner left medical after checking on the new arrival. The security chief was probably fit to be tied, especially as a Klingon. They tended to be over the top about everything.

Her team was assembled in the shuttlebay, prepared to deploy in a craft or be teleported to the planet's surface as necessary once they located the missing personnel.

"Peke!" She said as she entered.

The team's main commo guy had been monitoring the scans so they'd be even better prepared once they got the word to bounce.

"Still nothing. They have been able to narrow down the time shift though, the longer we're here. The consensus is we're a spec early and the Capt and Lt may appear tom'w. It's slightly simpler with the cities to scan, nothing much else around here at this point in their history of the planet. The cities displace a substantial volume and it's rather distinct from the surroundings. If what they surmise is true, they should be able to find them within hours of that. And if Kronnelti kicks up a fuss as we suspect, so much the better."

K'ner nods. "Thank you sergeant." She turns to address the rest.

"Technically this is still a first contact situation, so we can't just demolish structures around their location, wide stun any opposition, and extract our people."

"Aww mannn." Came from the back.

While K'ner shared the sentiment, she didn't respond to it.

"Once the team upstairs picks them up, we'll deploy to get into place. By the time we get into place to infiltrate, they should be able to pinpoint their location and we can integrate those details into our plan. Locate, isolate, extract. We will be the thing that goes bump in the night. I want the Captain back in her chair, and with her child, and our boss back with his as well."

"So she did drop the baern then Chief?"

"Yes, we have a new member, healthy and happy thus far. I just left her and we may find ourselves dealing with a wild child that's half Klingon and all trouble, but it should keep things interesting eh? Not to mention Kolar will start running around himself before long."

There were smiles around the bay. They had met Nod's kids a couple of times, all older but no less Klingon in their brashness and curiosity.

"ON THE READY LINE!" K'ner shouted, followed by the rumble of feet, as they stomped into place. Training never ended, and rather than let their focus slip, she kicked off a basic exercise to further hone their skills while they waited for word from the top.


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Medic TL-B / Acting CMO
USS Chuck Norris


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