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Properly Mollified...

Posted on Tue Mar 26th, 2024 @ 11:53pm by Lieutenant Betaras K'ner
Edited on on Wed Mar 27th, 2024 @ 6:59pm

Mission: Blood wine and vengeance
Location: Admiral's Yacht...
Timeline: Current


[ Ready Room, USS Chuck Norris ]

K'ner didn't let her face show any emotion, other than daily reporting drudgery. "What do you mean the Captain isn't available? She'll love this training exercise."

Montgomery shook his head. "I'm not at liberty to discuss the CO's whereabouts, you just be careful with those Klingons."

K'ner nodded, keeping the smile internal. "Of course sir, we're looking forward to dealing with some Klingons forthwith!"

[ Belly of the beast ]

K'ner reviewed her forearm padd, flipping through info on the current chaos, at least to get the names straight.

Taz looked up and spoke in her usual formal cadence. "Chief, it will be quite telling when the Captain finds out we're down here. I do not think she will be very positive about the development."

K'ner smiled and nodded. "You are quite right. She will likely get loud, stomp her foot at least twice, and teach us a new swear word or two that the translator will fail to interpret. Then, once we are properly mollified, we will provide her the traveling escort that befits a person of her rank in a highly influential house."

Nod laughed, that deep throaty rumble that Klingons seemed to love to do. "You really make that sound almost... graceful. She might also kick your petar so you can display some more battle wounds to gain some respect!"

K'ner grimaced a bit, realizing that could be a very real consequence. "Be that as it may, we all are quite well versed on Klingon weapons, especially in melee, even if we only have one actual Klingon on the team. They will likely underestimate us, giving us an initial advantage." She shrugged, then continued.

"And maybe the Captain will find this joker quickly, challenge him, put a blade in his guts and twist, reinforce her choice to head the house, then we'll pack up her kid and get back to the starbase and the ship."

Margo sighed, "I'm gonna miss the food in here. That ambassador sure eats good!"

"Roadie! Don't eat everything! Real food doesn't come cheap and who knows where this bill will end up." K'ner shook her head. Her team definitely traveled on its stomach... "And it's the Admiral's yacht, the Ambassador's shuttle wasn't available."

Roadie said something but his mouth was full and K'ner was appreciative she didn't have to listen to his comments.

K'ner thought again about how to broach their presence. They'd stayed out of sight of almost everyone, at least the Admiral's ship had an area that was off limits and no questions once Peke had dressed up that poly-sci degree of his and slipped the orders to the 1st mate.

'Maybe I'll just drop by when they're at mess... Hi Captain, you didn't think you were gonna go somewhere without us?... No, that won't fly... Maybe just reporting in... Greetings Captain, Haz Team reporting for duty!... Naw, that's not her style. Maybe just walk by and grab something to eat and leave, see if she stops me, then I can just answer her questions as they come?'

K'ner shook her head as the scenarios ran through her mind. Maybe they'd just form up when she was ready to depart the ship and they'd fall in in their full Klingon guard regalia they'd brought along, as if that was the plan all along. Limited time to yell at them...

"What's Montgomery thinking right now I wonder? How'd you get us permission to accompany?" Nod was curious but he hadn't met the new guy yet and they'd had to hustle to get aboard after they'd geared up.

"He's not thinking of us for anything I would imagine, other than we're doing some training with the Klingons." K'ner smiled. "I just wasn't quite specific about which Klingons, or where the training would extend to." She sobered as the four laughed.

"Enjoy it while it lasts. I have no idea how the Captain will react, so we may be scrubbing things that we really won't like scrubbing when we get back..." K'ner resumed her review, ticking off names and phrases...

Surprise! I couldn't think of anything on the base to do yet, but this seemed like a good opportunity. 8^)


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Comments (2)

By Captain Mira Rodale on Wed Mar 27th, 2024 @ 12:10am

I love it lol!

By Lieutenant Betaras K'ner on Wed Mar 27th, 2024 @ 12:21am

There was meant to be another line in there after Mira's supposed reaction.. "And then, we'll be properly mollified and..." but got carried away... hehe

My out was we would end up actually sitting in the bay of the wrong yacht if you wanted to go it alone... 8^)