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Interests Aligned

Posted on Sun Mar 24th, 2024 @ 4:01pm by Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: Blood wine and vengeance
Location: Starbase 364
Timeline: Current

{Outside Kevin Lance’s Quarters}

Kevin stepped into the turbolift. “Docking Ring, Chuck Norris port,” he ordered.

He was going to meet with the ship’s second officer. Lieutenant Commander Montgomery had followed Mira’s orders during the last mission to the letter and he had demonstrated the flexibility to adjust his thinking when the Captain had sent instructions that countermanded standing orders. Kevin didn’t trust Lieutenant Commander Montgomery yet but his opinion was trending in the new officer’s favor.

He was contemplating Montgomery’s message about “we need to talk”. What could he possibly have to say to Kevin that required such subtle subterfuge? If it were something about the ship, surely he would just come out and say it. He was running down scenarios in his mind when the turbolift halted without warning.

“Now what?” Kevin asked of the lift’s control panel, as he tapped the screen.

“Now we have a little talk,”

Kevin jumped at the sound of the voice behind him. He had been alone on the lift but as he turned a man a bit shorter than himself dressed in a completely black uniform cut like a station crew uniform. He had no rank or other distinguishing insignia, just a standard issue comm badge. “Who are you?”

“My name is not important,” the man replied, “All you really need to know is that we are acquainted with your checkered past and have need of your skills at this time.”

Kevin knew it would be futile to question or argue with the man. Instead he just asked, “What do you need of me?”

“Something that you were going to do anyways,” the man smiled cryptically.

Kevin gave the man a weary, impatient look.

“Captain Rodale is expected to head to Klingon space in order to take on a challenger to her house,” the man explained, “The Federation has a vested interest in the House of Rasmehlier surviving this challenge. The challenger, J'pok Okac, is being backed by several factions hostile to the Federation, including the House of Duras. You mission will be to covertly interfere with those factions. As it will support your girlfriend, I am certain that you will be happy to comply.”

Kevin glowered at the man’s mention of his relationship with Mira but he wasn’t wrong. If Mira was going to take on a challenge from a Klingon rival, Kevin would be there to support her. “Captain Rodale has little interest in leading the house, why do you think that she is going to oppose the challenger.”

“J’pok attacked her cousin’s family and kidnapped the child that she had placed with them.”

Kevin’s brows shot up at the mention of Kolar. Did the man know of his own strange connection to the baby? To cover his surprise, Kevin asked, “I am surprised that she hasn’t left already.”

“She has had trouble securing transport but Admiral Proll is giving her use of a shuttle. I expect that she will be departing very soon. If you hurry you will be able to go with her. Just think of spending all that time alone with her. Your budding romance is liable to blossom into something much more physical,” the man leered at Kevin.

Having had enough of the man’s crude innuendoes, Kevin reached out to grab the other by the collar. His hand passed through the image of the man without grasping anything.

“Temper, temper Commander,” the man said before his image disappeared, “Save your anger for the Klingons.”

The turbolift reactivated and continued on to his destination.


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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