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The Game is Afoot

Posted on Thu Aug 20th, 2020 @ 3:21pm by Captain Grover vonMcCormick

Mission: The Game is Afoot
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


Time for our new mission!

Check out this CD post first:  A Man Walks Out Of A Bar


{USS Chuck Norris, Captain's Cabin}

What day was?  vonMcCormick had lost count.  He rolled over to the edge of his bed.  "Computer, ETA to Starbase 10?"

"The USS Chuck Norris has been docked at Starbase 10 since Tuesday."

vonMcCormick sat straight up.  He wasted no time in preparing to leave his ship.  Self quarantine was over.

{Starbase 10, Ferengi Bar “The Lucky Lobe”}

"It can't be true," Anderson said to the bartender.  He had told himself that he wouldn't come back to the Lucky Lobe, but nonetheless, here he was.

"I'm certain," the Ferengi bartender shot back.  "Captain vonMcCormick is a member of Species 8472."

A few minutes later vonMcCormick slid in and took a seat by himself at the bar.  He squinted in a most peculiar manner as his eyes had not yet adjusted to standard light... he had forgotten to set his quarters lighting to the Day Cycle setting when his isolation began.

The bartender's eyes bulged in the direction of Ensign Anderson.  "I told you," he whispered.

"No..." Anderson considered it once more.  "Maybe?"


{Starbase 10, Central Commercial Hub}

Winters paused for a moment as he scanned the small crowd of crewmembers and old friends that had gathered around him. The anticipation was palpable.  "And that's when I said, 'The clown can stay, but the Ferengi in the gorilla suit has to go,'"


"That's hilarious!"

"Commander Winters, you're the best!"

"I'll be here all star-week," Winters added as he prepared to go about his business.

"Wait sir, isn't that Captain vonMcCormick over there in the distance... it looks like he's leaving that dive bar," Ensign Pibb asked the Commander.  "I'm not sure because I've never actually seen him in person yet."

"Yes, that's him," Lieutenant G'ginloss added before Winters could turn to look.

"Oh good, he's finally left the ship.  I hope he has a great time after being cooped up in his cabin for a few weeks."

"Why is he so pale?" asked Ensign Wyatt.

But someone else also noticed vonMcCormick.

"ARREST THAT MAN!" ordered Starbase 10's commander, Admiral Brett Yoshimeyer, to his security force.

"ARREST YOURSELF!" shouted another Star Fleet officer from another corner of the center.  "We've got a full confession here."

"Wait, arrest who?" the security lead asked the Admiral.

"Um, uh... both of them?!?"

Before they could act, the mysterious officer dissipated from view.

"Captain vonMcCormick--arrest him now!" Yoshimeyer sprayed at his team as they quickly took the Captain into custody.  "Captain vonMcCormick, you're under arrest for treason, conspiracy, and sedition to defraud Star Fleet out of the ownership and operation of Starbase 10 for personal profit and gain."

A normal officer might be surprised as such a development, but not Commander Winters.  He had served on the Chuck Norris before.  "Everyone back to the ship, I'll follow and see what's going on here."

{USS Chuck Norris, Bridge}

"The Captain's been arrested by starbase security!" Lieutenant JG Alison announced to the rest of the bridge crew.

"Wait, wait?" asked Lt. Cmdr. Borġ from the command chair.

"There's more," Lt. Micho continued, "Three unscheduled Ferengi ships have entered the sector."

"That's not all," said 2nd Lieutenant Collier. "Two merchant freighters just submitted requests to divert to Starbase 10."

"What's up with this place?" asked Ensign Unova.

Doc Ramsey had seen this show before.  "I don't know, but I'm pretty sure shore leave is cancelled."


So that's the new mission:  Captain vonMcCormick was arrested by security personnel and a Ferengi bartender thinks he's a member of Species 8472. Three unscheduled Ferengi ships just arrived and two merchant freighters are coming.


Just arrested on Starbase 10: vonMcCormick

Starbase 10, following the security detail: Winters

Starbase 10, Ferengi Bar “The Lucky Lobe”: Anderson

On the USS Chuck Norris: Alison, Borġ, Micho, Collier, Unova, Ramsey

On Starbase 10, en route back to the USS Chuck Norris: Pibb, G'ginloss, Wyatt

NPCs introduced so far:

Ferengi Bartender at The Lucky Lobe

Admiral Brett Yoshimeyer, Commander of Starbase 10

Unknown Star Fleet Officer who mysteriously dissipated 

Have fun with it!

Captain vonMcCormick
Commanding Officer
USS Chuck Norris NCC-4005


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