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Foot in the Door

Posted on Fri Aug 21st, 2020 @ 2:37am by Captain Aurther Winters

Mission: The Game is Afoot
Location: Starbase 10
Timeline: Current

OFF: Looks like the mission is off to an earlier start than I expected! And so many different twists and turns to take, this should be fun!

If you haven't yet, might I suggest signing up for the discord, I just joined a few days ago and it seems like a great tool to chat and help each other with! :D

ON: (Starbase 10)

Aurther had to slide side to side as he attempted to catch up to the security detail that was at this point, almost dragging Captain vonMcCormick down the hallway. "Unhand me you scallywags!" Winters could hear the Captain yelling, which almost took him off guard as there wasn't a current memory of anyone using that word in the last 100 years. Aurther's head snapped back to make sure that the other officers has listened to him, Pibb, G'ginloss,and Wyatt were actually trying to follow them as well.

"I said get back to the ship!" Aurther almost snapped at the trio, halting them in their tracks.

"Commander..." Ensign Pibb got out before cut off again by Winters.

"I need you all on the ship in case of an immediate launch. Get the ship ready, I will be there as soon as I figure out what is going on with this mess". The three officers turned around and went into a mild sprint as they headed back to the Chuck Norris. Aurther's attention went back to where he was needed, and that was trying to hunt down the Captain and that Admiral and get a better understanding of what was going on. He had heard the charges that were being levied again the man, but from what he had saw since he had joined the Chuck Norris, it was hard to believe that the Captain could get up to anything of that nature. In fact, he was sure that vonMcCormick had been sleeping in his quarters for the last 5 days and didn't even know what day of the week it was.
After a short foot chase, Winters was able to make it to the security office. It was took late to get to vonMcCormick before he was processed and probably thrown into the brig, but he was there now. Before he could enter the office though, two security officers stepped in front of him. Both wearing body armor, and both carrying the newest phaser compression rifles.

"I'm sorry sir, this is as far as you go." The one officer said holding out his hand, which did make Aurther come to a stop.

"I need to speak to my Captain Lieutenant." Winters fired back.

"We have direct orders not to let anyone in. This prisoner is an alleged traitor to the Federation and needs to be under the tightest security."

"I am aware, but he is also going to need legal counsel." Winters was struggling to find a reason to get back past the duo of security without resorting to violence. The doors to the security office burst open as Admiral Brett Yoshimeyer came rushing out, nearly knocking all three other men off balance, he seemed a little flustered, but was keeping it composed on the inside.

"Commander Winters..." The Admiral said softly, before turning around to face each other. "I know what mode you are in right, the one to defend your Captain, but trust me, these matters are more delicate than you know. Now this whole Captain vonMcCormick issue has seemed to come at an inopportune time. These coincidences have not been lost on me, nor should they be on you. However these charges are also some of the most sever, and we must treat them as such for the protection of this Starbase and the Federation."

Aurther let out a small sigh, resigning that he both knew what needed to be done, and what orders were to be followed. "Aye sir."

"Now, in the interim until we get this matter sorted out, I want you to take command of the Chuck Norris, get it out of space dock and keep on station. I want these Ferengi to know that we have some teeth here and we won't be afraid to show it."

"Yes sir, I will make my way back to the ship now." Aurther nodded and began to walk away when he heard the Admiral speak up, obviously able to read the Commanders body language.

"Commander, I will have all the relevant data sent to you on the Chuck Norris. You can review it, but under no circumstances are you to investigate. Is that understood?"

"You sir, clear as crystal." Winters nodded again, but as he turned around and headed back to the ship a small smile crept across his face. He figured he might have just got his foot in the door to help the Captain.


Commander Aurther Winters
First Officer
U.S.S. Chuck Norris


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