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New home

Posted on Thu Feb 29th, 2024 @ 6:31pm by Captain Mira Rodale
Edited on on Sun Mar 3rd, 2024 @ 12:07am

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{USS Chuck Norris, Bridge}

So this was it, she thought. It was bigger than she had remembered and was busy from the look of things.

"Zimia, ask permission to dock." Mira spoke calmly, but she was a little nervous.

This was a federation base, but during the brief war. The Klingon's had destroyed part of the base and then took the initiative to repair the damage, creating an interesting mix of both federation and Klingon design on the inside. They also keep a huge Klingon presence. Well, at least she wouldn't have trouble getting Vaytoc his gagh, she thought.

Admiral Proll ran the base he was an older Caitian male. Mira had met him a few times. She had been really young then, so she hoped he did not remember her. His Klingon counterpart was General D'amish Kharon. He knew her because of Kolar.
Kevin and the Captain walked in, and she stood up to let the Captain have the chair.

"Our new base of operations." Mira information them needlessly.

"Commander, Docking port 27 has been reserved for our use, only. We have been cleared to dock. Captain Intermezzo. Admiral Proll is expecting you in his office within the hour." Zimia told them.

"Very well, Ensign go ahead and dock." Mira told the pilot.

"Commander, General D'amish Kharon has requested you in his office." Zimia told her, making Mira winced.

The Captain looked at her "Someone you know?"

Mira nodded, "Yes, Sir. I was just hoping he hadn't noticed my name on the ship manifest. " she gave a little shrug it wasn't a big deal. “He is probably annoyed that you will be reporting to the Admiral and figured this was the next best thing to save face." she smirked. Klingons like to feel important.

Zimia made a little sound, and Mira turned to her. "What is it?"

"A massive information drop." Zimia told her a little surprised.

"Send it to my PADD," Mira told her as she activated it. Mira nodded as she read, "Our quarters are grouped together as per my request. We are all on the same deck. That will help with safety issues and a map of the base."

The pilot turned around with a grin. "We are docked."

Mira nodded. "Open ship wide comm." Zimia nodded it was done.

"Crew, we have docked At Starbase 364. You will be receiving quarter's assignments and a map of the base. All Ensigns and lower rank will refrain from entering the lower decks for safety reasons. Rodale out."

Mira smiled and then moved closer to Kevin. "We have been invited to dinner on the base with Kronnelti and Dianna. Would you go with me tonight?"

Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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