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SB 364

Posted on Wed Feb 28th, 2024 @ 11:20pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Visit to Eden
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{USS Chuck Norris, Sickbay }

That picnic had made her feel so happy. He probably thought it was a little thing, but it had meant the world to her. Mira thought as she walked


Mira keyed for entry and heard the captain's voice say, "enter."

She walked in with a smile. "Good evening, captain . I was wondering, our next destination, since we hadn't gotten any orders."

He sat back in his chair, looking a little tried. "SB 364, it all so called the Narendra Station. Location in the Beta Quadrant, proximate to both the Romulan and Klingon Empires, as well as the Shackleton Expanse. "He watched her take the PADD and looked the information over then said "It's going to be our home base of operations.” Mira nodded at this information. "Are the crew taking advantage of having a counselor?" he asked.

Mira frowned. "I am not sure, sir. I asked for an appointment. I am assuming she is booked solid because I haven't heard back."

He frowned. "You didn't scare another counselor into jumping ship, did you?"

"Sir, the last one I only made one appointment with. If I scared her off, I have no idea what she read in my file." She frowned for a moment. "Perhaps you should look, and maybe we should take some of my last counselors' notes out?"

Intermeezo laughed. "I am not going to do that!"

Mira shrugged, trying to control a smile. "The alien ship, sir." Mira started to say, but Intermeezo nodded

"I have been in contact with Trills and Starfleet. They are sending two ships to take charge of it. Trill is calculating the size tanks needed to carry the water they live in and the symbionts. Everything is handled."

Mira relaxed. "Good, you didn't tell them about my symbiont?"

He slowly shook his head. "Is there a reason you want to keep it low-key?"

Mira nodded. "My blood brother. I don't want him to find out. Symbionts are highly sought after, and I would rather keep Rodale and myself safe."

He looked confused for a moment and then remembered her symbiont had taken her last name. "All right, then set course to SB 364."

Mira nodded. "Thank you, Sir. "

Mira read a little more as she walked to the bridge. Starbase 364 is located in orbit of Amir II, the second planet of the Amirii system. Interesting, She thought. Oh, it has a large amount of Klingons on the station. That means lots of fighting. oh yeah, our lives just got very interesting.

{USS Chuck Norris, Bridge}

Mira walked in and smiled at Kevin sitting in the command chair. He went to get up, and she shook her head no. "Just relaying orders. Captain would like to head to Starbase 364." she smiled leaning closer she asked, "They have holodecks. Cold weather or tropical? Think about it and let me know.” She gave him a little wink before heading out to check in with the rest of the crew.

off: We will settle into our new quarters for a few days then head out on our next mission.

Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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