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Where's my Wife

Posted on Fri Feb 23rd, 2024 @ 4:50am by Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti

Mission: Visit to Eden
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Current

{Bridge, Deck 1}

Kevin strode onto the bridge of the Norris still clad in his environmental suit. "Status report!" he demanded.

Ensign Rodriguez nearly jumped out of his skin at the barked command. He could only stare at the Second Officer who was starting to remove his environmental suit.

"Rodriguez, I will have you on fatigue duty for the next three years," Kevin threatened quietly, "if you don't start telling me what is going on!"

Rodriguez took a deep breath, "Sir, several crewmembers from across the ship had disappeared. We have no idea what happened to them."

Kevin gritted his teeth together to cut off the rebuke of the Ensign that was forming. The man hadn't told him anything he hadn't already known. "Tell me who is missing," he managed.

"Captain Intermeezo, Lieutenant Edwards, Ensign Zimia, Ensign T'Rel from the bridge crew," Rodriguez recited, "I...I don't know who else."

"Rodriguez," Kevin spoke patiently, "Get me an accurate count and list of everyone who was taken. And where is Lieutenant Kronnelti?"

Rodriguez's eyes went wider as he pointed behind Kevin. "He's right there, sir."

Kevin turn to see Kronnelti looking wild-eyed and bloody-thirsty. He knew the look and moved rapidly to intercept the Klingon.

"Dianna's gone!" Kronnelti raged, "They've taken her!"

Kevin grabbed the Klingon by the shoulders. Although taller by an inch, Kevin knew that in this state the Security Chief could likely take him down. "And we will find her. And your child," Kevin spoked insistently, "But right now I need you to think and act like a Star Fleet Officer, not like a Klingon!"

The rage burning but he heard Kevin, Kronnelti sat down. My wife bearing child has been taken, my sister has been taken.....he looked up at Kevin, if you wasn't here I would be going down to slaughter them all ( lol star wars reference ) I will need help coming up with a plan to get them back.

Kronnelti then got up as he started to walk away he said quietly and we'll bring Mira back safely for you too.

If Kevin heard Kronnelti's promise, he gave no indication. He continued to give orders as he stripped out of his environmental suit, "Comms, Contact Lieutenant Walker and get a situation update. Tactical, scan our surroundings for any other possible contacts. Science, compile a listing of the biomes on the ship. A thirty-third biome was created in the last thirty minutes. I want to know where it is and what's in it. Move it people! You're fifteen minutes late already!'

Kronnelti jumped to his position, he starts scanning the surroundings but the only thing to come up is the Ark he said, I'll broaden the search area.


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security & Tactical


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