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After party

Posted on Fri Feb 2nd, 2024 @ 12:11am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Guilty Pleasures
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{USS Chuck Norris mess hall}

Mira smiled at all the crew being so excited. There had been very little to be excited about for a while.

Zimia joined her. “You had a hand in all the promotions, didn’t you?”

“K’ner has been doing triple jobs. She more then deserved it.” Mira smiled

Zimia nodded. “What about Lance?”

Mira shrugged. “ I gave him extra assignments over the last few months, and he proved himself capable of the position of 02. The rank was all the Captain’s doing.”

Mira went to get a Raktajino.
Zimia nodded. “What about me?”

Mira raised a delicate eyebrow, “I got you a kitten!”

Zimia smiled like she had won the award. “You did!” she nodded her head happy.

Rodriguez frowned. “Hey, why didn’t I get an award or something?”

Mira sighed and said, “ Do you want me to tell the captain about your behavior with the Q.”

Rodriguez’s eyes widened. “No, ma’am “

Mira’s eyes went to Chin’s. “Don’t ask.” She told him.

Chin raised his hands. “I didn’t say anything.”

Mira nodded, happy all that was settled. Her eyes went to the captain. He looked the same, and yet he …….felt different. This man didn’t make her nervous like she had been before. He was more at ease with the crew. Probably because the last one was worried about being found out. Mira frowned. How could she have not known he wasn’t human! No wonder he didn’t show up on any of the scans. They had been looking for a ½ Human ½ El-Aurian, not Zaj.

“What are your plans for Risa?” Chin asked, knowing she knew all the best places to go.

Mira smiled, “I am not staying at the main hotel. Right behind the main hotel is a 15-mile trail up the mountain to a smaller resort that has these fantastic steam pools. Rodriguez and Zimia shook their heads. They weren’t going on a 15-mile hike up a mountain, so they walked away.
Chin was still listening. So she continued. “The meals are all amazing feasts, and while you eat, they have fire dancers and music. There is a lake that is crystal clear. After that, I am going to go to the Temtibi Lagoon to swim and have at least one dinner on the boat that comes by at moonlight. Then, I am going to the Subterranean Garden with luminescent plants. After all that, I am going to the Galartha cliffs.” Mira told him.

Chin frowned, “ The Galartha cliffs?”

Mira nodded “Yeah, it’s a rock climbing destination. It is a cliff face that changed pitch and handholds, as a you climbed it.” Mira nodded. “Very challenging.” She grinned. “Of course, I want to go running on the beaches, too.” Mira added.

“That all sounds every active. What about dancing and the bars?” Chin asked her. Mira shook her head no. “Make sure you don’t go alone to them.” She told him then left the Mess Hall.

Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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