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Some Highly Deserved News

Posted on Thu Feb 1st, 2024 @ 5:59pm by Captain Michael Intermeezo

Mission: Guilty Pleasures
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present


{Mess Hall, Chuck Norris}

The mess hall of the Defiant-class ship wasn’t the best place to hold a meeting, but it was the best Michael had at his disposal. After all hands had confirmed their return to the ship, he’d requested that as many of the crew as possible attend a special meeting in the mess hall. The senior staff were absolutely required to attend.

“Thank you for coming to promptly.” The Captain welcomed his crew. “First and foremost, I want to commend you for the excellent actions this ship and its crew took whilst I was indisposed. I have heard nothing but good reports from department heads, and Commander Rodale assures me you have all been working at 100% efficiency, which is incredible.”

“Secondly,” he explained, “Starfleet feels that everyone onboard this ship deserves a vacation. So they have ordered us to Risa for two weeks’ leave, as of right now.” The room erupted with cheers and applause. This crew needed a break, and a fortnight on Risa would be just the medicine needed to rejuvenate them physically and mentally.

The Captain raised his hands in a motion to indicate that he had more to say. Once the crowd had quietened down, he motioned towards Kevin. “Lieutenant Lance, join me would you?”

The officer got to his feet and did as he had been asked by his CO. He wasn’t entirely sure why the Captain wanted him stood by him, but he was certain that he’d find out soon enough.

“Commander Rodale gave me her personal recommendation, that you absolutely deserve the following.” Kevin shot Mira a nervous side-eye, but maintained eye contact with the Captain.

“Mr Lance, I hereby promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, and all the rights and privileges thereto.” He placed the solid black pip on the man’s collar alongside the two solid gold pips. “Would you also do me the honour of serving as the ships’ Second Officer, alongside your duties as Chief Flight Control officer?”

Kevin didn’t need to be asked twice. He nodded and shook the Captain’s hand as quickly as he could. Michael grinned at the eagerness of the man, as the congregation let out a quiet chuckle and a round of applause.

Michael motioned for Kevin to step back down to his seat, which the man dutifully did to the claps and cheers of his peers. Michael raised a hand to quieten the cheers for a moment once again. “Before we set off for Risa, there’s one more thing.” He pointed towards K’ner, “Would you join me up here for a moment, Lieutenant?”

K’ner looked around the room, initially unsure if the Captain had pointed at her or not. Eventually she got to her feet and joined her Captain at the front of the crowd. Had she done something wrong she wondered?

“Lieutenant junior grade K’ner, for services to your ship and crew these last few months, I hereby promote you to the rank of full Lieutenant, with all the rights and privileges thereto.” The Captain reached into his pocket and revealed a gold pip. He added it to the Flaxian’s collar; removing the black pip as he added the new one, “Congratulations.”

K’ner was left speechless, but managed a big smile. The crowd again let out along round of applause as K’ner returned to her seat.

“If there is nothing else,” the Captain smiled, “Mr Lance, set a course for Risa and engage at warp 8!” The room once again erupted with whoops and cheers.


Captain Michael Intermeezo
Commanding Officer
USS Chuck Norris, NCC-4005


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