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Setting things in Order

Posted on Mon Aug 3rd, 2020 @ 3:38am by Captain Aurther Winters

Mission: From the Sidelines
Location: U.S.S. Chuck Norris, Starbase 10
Timeline: Current

OFF: Alright, there may be some contradictions and inconsistencies coming from the last few posts, but lets just move past that and keep the flow going.

The Chuck Norris is now docked at Starbase 10, any and all crew who need to come aboard can now and let's prepare for whatever we have coming next! :D

ON: (U.S.S. Chuck Norris - Bridge)

Aurther circled the Command chair as he looked over the PADD in his hand. Just dotting the T's and crossing the I's, he thought to himself. The whole thing read like a comedy of errors that the entire crew almost seemed to trip into, yet somehow they managed to come out the other side. Not smelling like roses mind you, but not smelling like manure either. He didn't want to think of this as the first shakedown cruise with the new crew. It was more of a PR stunt, one that tested his nerves and patience. This was not the Chuck Norris that he remembered. However he knew with enough time, training and a little luck, he would get it back to how he once remembered it. Winters took a moment to remember the one day, back in the mess hall talking with the old Captain Youngblood. The two of them had been friends for a long time, and he always felt like that help them command. Relying on each other, but still able to speak their minds. Tip of the Spear, that's how Aurther always remembered his time on the Norris. A ship built for one mission, combat. Whether it was the Borg, the Dominion, Romulans or any other hostile race out there, he knew the Norris and her crew were always up for the challenge to protect the Federation.

"Commander..." A voice called out, Winters didn't even respond initially. "Commander, I have an Admiral Tigani from Starfleet Command on a channel for you."

"Alright..." Winters let out a slight gasp of breath as he entered the ready and turned on the channel. Greeted with at least a pleasant face of an older man with 2 Admiral pips helped ease him a bit.

"Commander, I have received your report."

"Yes sir..." Aurther took a set and leaned back in the chair, not to far to seem like he was relaxed, but not sitting at attention where he might sprain something.

"I will apologize to you and your crew. There was a mix up down in the administration levels. That whole camera team was supposed to go to a ship of a larger crew then the 50 for that assigned to the Chuck Norris. I'm not sure exactly how it happened, but reading your report I am glad that there weren't too many adverse effects from the whole ordeal."

"Well, except for Lt. Collier."

"Yes, at least one exception, how is the man doing?"

"He was transferred down the sick bay on Starbase 10 to get better medical treatment then we could give him on the Norris. Our medical teams are well trained, but the facilities of a Starbase dwarf us under any circumstance. They were able to combat the poison, but his fevered remained, so his still in isolation and under observation for the next 48 hours."

"Good, and I assume the new crew is starting to make their way onboard as well?"

"I have had a chance to meet with the new Chief Engineer, and I like the cut of his jib sort to speak. I have seen a few more named come across my desk here but considering everything that has been going on it has been a little hectic."

"Understandable Commander, well I will make sure to pass this along, but I doubt you will hear anything more from it. Please make sure to get the Norris up and running and back in order, I sense we will need her sooner rather than later."

"Yes Admiral, would you like me to see if Captain vonMcCormick is available?"

"Please Commander, if you could patch me through, it would be appreciated."

"Yes sir, thank you sir." Aurther's fingers flicked a few times as the transmission was sent down to the Captain's quarters. With that all be said and done, finally Aurther leaned back a little more in the chair and let out a sigh of relief.

OFF: Okay, let's see what messes we can make now!

Commander Aurther Winters
First Officer
U.S.S. Chuck Norris


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