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Bar fun

Posted on Wed Jan 31st, 2024 @ 3:05am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Deep Space Nine
Location: DS9
Timeline: Present

{Deep Space Nine, Quark's}

Mira tilted the bottle to pour another glass of whiskey, but it was empty. "Quark, We need another bottle. MAKE IT TWO!" she yelled with a laugh.

Captain Shrun and his first officer had joined them talking war stories. When Mira said she didn't have a good story to share, Kira pulled out a PADD and said, "I want to know about this photo!"

Ezri Dax took the PADD with wide eyes. "By all that is holy, Mira Rodale, this IS you."

Mira snagged the PADD to see what they were talking about. "Who? How did you get this?" It was a photo of Mira after four years of living on planet Hell. She was in a hand sewn leather pants and halter top. She was covered in mud and blood. That was right after she had just been in a fight with an animal on the planet. she and Vaytoc had taken it down for dinner. It's a rather messy job, but It would seem one of the Klingon's took a photo of her.

"SHE is spectacular!" Quark exclaimed from over her shoulder. "I wonder how many Klingon males have that pinned up on their walls?"

"Quark!" Mira yelled at him while Kira and Ezri laughed.

Quark looked at the photo again, then back at her, realizing who it was. "I want to put it on the bar's wall!"

"Kira!" Mira yelled, making Kira shake her head no. "No, you will do no such thing, Quark." But the woman wouldn't stop laughing.

Captain Shrun smirked and said, "It's only fair that we see it as well."

Mira rolled her eyes and handed it to him.
"Nice very nice," he told her.

Quark screamed like a girl from the other side of the bar. Mira stood up because she couldn't see what was going on. Quark ran to their table and literally hid behind her. Mira tried to turn so she could look at him, but Quark turned her back around to see who was coming. A very large Klingon, and he seemed very angry at Quark.
"Protect me, and I promise not to post that photo of you." Quark told her, making Mira grin.

"Move aside, female." the Klingon told her with a growl.
Mira frowned. "Try and see this from my perspective."
The man actually squatted down to her level and looked her in her eyes. "This isn't making me want to kill him any less, but you smell really good."

Mira smirked. "Now, why is it that you want to kill our little tiny bar keeper. A big strong warrior like yourself would have far better things to do than waist your time hitting him."


Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck


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