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Posted on Sun Jan 28th, 2024 @ 6:20pm by Captain Mira Rodale
Edited on on Sun Jan 28th, 2024 @ 6:56pm

Mission: Deep Space Nine
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{USS Chuck Norris}

After Mira dropped Vaytoc off at her room and took Spike back to Kronnelti’s room, she walked into sickbay to see K'ner working on Kevin.

K'ner turned around to look at her. "What happened?"

Mira shrugged. "I found him this way and thought sickbay would be the best place?"

Seeing he was in good hands, she turned to walk away then remembering her own bruises and minor injuries. With a sigh, she walked to the bridge. "Has Rodriguez or Kronnelti reported in?"

The comm office shook his head no.

"And I am guessing nothing on the whereabouts of our captain as well?" Mira asked. Everyone turned back to their seat, so she sighed. "Fine I'll be in my quarters if there is anything new."

{Personal quarters}

Mira winced as she took the coat off again and hung it up with the vest and pants. The leather was so soft. Mira took a shower, wishing it was hot water. She hadn't had one of those in forever. With the captain missing, there was no way she would be able to go down to Bajor for a shower anyway.

Pulling a tank top and leggings on, Mira rolled into her bunk bed. Her body was just too tired and sore to deal with anything more. She should have gotten something to eat, but she was too tired right now. Mira closed her eyes, letting sleep have her.

{Sickbay }

Mira opened her eyes only to have a light flashed in them. "What the hell?" Mira cursed. When her eyes cleared, it was to find an older nurse with stern face staring down at her. She looked around the medical bay. Wait a minute, she had gone to bed in her quarters.

"Young lady, you have a concussion, six bruised ribs, one fractured rib. Multiple deep tissue bruises on your forearm and your right forearm has a hairline fracture. Did you really think a nap was going to heal all of that?" The woman looked up from reading to look at Mira. As if she wanted an explanation? answer?

Well crap, Mira was still wondering how she got here. "Maybe?" Mira mumbled, trying to pull the covers over her head to go back to sleep, convinced she was just having a nightmare.

"Oh no, you don't, we aren't done."

Mira frowned and looked at her. "Who are you?"
That seemed to surprise the woman. "I am nurse Lancaster, and I don't like your flippant attitude about your health."

"Are you new?" Mira mumbled because she was sure she hadn't seen the woman before. "Look, I need a few hours of sleep, then I am getting up, and I am going to find my captain."

"First, I am going to put you on report. Then...", nurse Lancaster said.

Mira held up her hand to stop the rant. "Do you even know who I am?"

"Someone who isn't taking care of their health." The woman huffed.

Mira wasn't even sure what the woman was talking about. "Where is K'ner?"

Now, the nurse put her hands on her hips. "Sleeping!"

Mira raised an eyebrow. "And that is what I would like to do as well, so stop it." Mira rolled over to see Kevin Sleeping soundly in the other biobed. "How did I get here?"

The nurse growled and walked away, making Mira frown even more. "Whatever," Mira grumbled. Don't tell me how I got here she thought as she fell asleep again.

Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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