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No such dr exists

Posted on Mon Jan 29th, 2024 @ 6:09am by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Edited on on Mon Jan 29th, 2024 @ 3:22pm

Mission: Deep Space Nine
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: current

{USS Chuck Norris}

Kronnelti had gone back to his office to find Spike sleeping. It looked like he had a great time with Vaytoc, and it showed as his lips were covered in some kind of gravy.

Computer Kronnelti said, “Look up, Dr Bashir.”

Computer replies “name not found”

Hmm, strange. I saw the picture of this person from Vaytoc, so he must exist.

=/\= Kronnelti to Commander Rodale, come to my office. Please bring Vaytoc with you as well =/\=

Now, normally, when he calls people into his office, it’s usually to chew people out or get information on somebody.


Mira blinked her eyes open as her commbadge went off. She recognized Kronnelti’s voice. He needed her, so she slipped out of the biobed and found some scrubs to put on, and then she left Sickbay on her bare feet.


Walking in, Mira gave him a worried look. “That has happened now?”

“Can’t find a Doctor Bashir.”

“What do you mean, you can’t find him. Dr. Julian Bashir? He has brown eyes and brown hair and is 6’. The guy is a huge flirt. “

“ The computer said ‘name not found,’ “ Kronnelti told her.

Mira frowned. “I have known him for years. The Captain knows him.” Mira rubbed her fingertips on her forehead. “What is going on?”

I don’t know, and it bothers me, I’ve seen him through Vaytoc too, but I truly believe he erased himself out of Star Fleet files, said Kronnelti. Back in the old ways the saying was leave no trace he said so Im convinced he took all records and files and permanently “burned” them.

I’m curious if he is using a new name or alias now, he said.

By the way, I threatened Quark because he started to talk about you. He seemed so interested in something that kept him laughing.

Mira rolled her eyes and sat down. “Yeah, I bet he is. He wanted my help in removing one of my officers from his bar. It was Lance. He had been drinking and we talked. Then he …..” She blushed “Well, he kissed me and then fell on the floor out cold. Quark is saying it was my kiss that knocked him out.” She shook her head. “Quark is crazy.”

She went back to thinking of the doctor. “Not sure why the doctor would remove files of himself. Maybe someone would like to erase him?”

“Do we have a new nurse?” Mira asked

Kronnelti looks up all personnel on his padd……Mira now that you asked, he said there is a Mrs. Rosedale

Mira looked surprised. “ Not a nurse, Lancaster? Because that woman is very ….” Mira tried to think of the right word.” Well, she is not fond of me anyway. “ She sat back in her seat. “She told me off and said she was going to write me up. Right now, I am the acting captain, the XO, and the 02. We need the Captain back.” Mira told him.” I still have no idea how I ended up in Sickbay after I went to sleep in my quarters. It’s not like anyone can get by Vaytoc while I sleep.”

Kronnelti swipped on his PADD. “You were transported to sickbay.” There was a video of you just beaming onto biobed with a woman standing next to her.”

Mira looked at the video. “That is Lancaster! She transported to sickbay with me?”
Mira frowned. “But who transported us?”

Mira sat down again, frowning. Kronnelti looked on his PADD. “We don’t have a record of transporting you?”

“We don’t know who transported me to sickbay?” Mira blinked her eyes. ”I am not feeling very safe knowing someone can do that and not set off any alarms. What if they beamed me off the ship?”

If that happened and no alarms were set off then it’s possible they know security protocols and how to get around them…..this is not good Kronnelti said. He picks up his padd again and adds several fake protocols that would be set off if tampered with.

Ok lets see if this works, he turns the padd around and shows Mira what he has done. Next I will need a body double of you and have security by your side posted outside the door. Next I will tamper with your door to your personal quarters he said, I’ll give you all the information to deactivate and reactivate it.

I’ll escort you back to sickbay as I do want to check on Lance myself and as for that kiss…….kronnelti smirked and had a blush I know he wants you as his mate Mira.

“He was drunk. I don’t think he will even remember doing it.” She shrugged “Awal I never lock my quarters. I never have. Even when we are docked. I have Vaytoc I just never thought about someone getting a lock on me and transporting me. I was hurt if what that woman told to me was true then I was hurt far more then I realized.. Why get me medical help?”

this is all part of what we are doing. If somebody is watching you I want them to slip up he said. We're going to sickbay not to get you medical help but to lure out this person. I have a strange feeling that once i leave you there something may happen and for some strange reason I always happen to time shit just right.

as for the lock it's more like a sensor that is linked to me, you & both cats.

Kronnelti pulls out a device that is linked to both Spike & Vay'toc, he presses a button and it transmits a hologram of them walking alongside Mira on both sides.

So what do you think he asks?

Mira cocked her head to the side. "Do I really walk like that? " The hologram made her look really .....graceful and delicate. Mira always thought of her herself as a tomboy, always needing more grace. She grinned it was probably like when you hear your own voice. I never sounded like you thought but it did.
"OK you're in charge of security. We play it how you call it" Mira told him.

Kronnelti laughs ma'am I am the chief of security he said.


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security/tactical


Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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