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Shopping and dinner

Posted on Sat Jan 20th, 2024 @ 1:18am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Deep Space Nine
Location: DS9
Timeline: Present

{Main Promenade, DS9}

Ezri Dax's eyes widen. "I can't believe you finally cut it."

Mira laughed, touching her curls. It was about to the middle of her back. Much shorter than her norm waist length. "Yea, it got melted off by an exploding console."

Ezri looked her over a little concerned, but Mira looked undamaged to her. " Do you need to see the doctor?"

Mira laughed, shaking her head. "As cute as your doctor is, I am fine. My doctor did an awesome job. But, I do need to get some clothes."

"Shopping, I love shopping!" Ezri took her arm and pulled her in a different direction than she had been walking.

Mira rolled her eyes, "Well, let's not go over board here. My storage on the ship is very limited."

Ezri smiled. "Really? How much room did you set aside for your weapons?"

Mira raised an eyebrow. "Weapons are a necessity. My walls and a chest are filled with them." She giggled at the look on Ezri face.

Ezri shook her head. "You don't live in the armory!"

Mira got distracted by a weapons shop and started to walk in the shop, but Ezri stopped her. "Stay on track. We are shopping for clothes. So, are you seeing anyone?"

"I am not sure. He keeps sending mixed messages." Mira told Ezri

She nodded, wanting all the details. "Did you flirt?"

Mira sighed, "I held his hand, asked him to dance with me, and snuggled close to him as much as possible."

Ezri nodded. "All good moves."

"But he started calling me Lt. Commander before we were even off earth. Then, he gave me flowers, but we haven't talked at all since then." Mira told her.

Ezri looked thoughtful. "Why aren't you being forward?"

"Because I out rank him, and I don't want to make him uncomfortable. Besides, there might maybe someone else he likes."

Ezri frowned "Well, it would be his loss. I know someone who would be perfect for you, and he is Trill."

Mira frowned, "Then why aren't you dating him?"

Ezri laughed. " Because I am related to him."

Mira smiled. Well, that made sense. In the shop, Mira looked around. "What's the weather like on the planet right now?"

"Around 65 to 70°f it's beautiful." Ezri told her.

"I need utility pants in gray and black. Two shorts in black and blue, a few tank tops, and a sweater." Mira told the owner of the shop. "I like the black one with the hood."

Ezri frowned "And dresses."

Mira frowned at her "I don't need a dress to camp in."

Ezri smirked, "The Dresses are for dates, not camping."

"Fine, I'll take the black one." Mira nodded.

"And the Brown silky one it matches your spots and you should get the Blue and red one too. " Ezri told her smiling

"That's four dresses I will more than likely never wear." Mira told her as she picked up a pretty burgundy pullover sweater and added that to the small pile. Then pressed her thumb print to the payment PADD before folding everything up and putting it in her backpack.

Vaytoc gave a little growl and sent her an image of gagh. "Ah, Vaytoc is hungry. We better feed him before he gets grumpy." She patted Vaytoc's head. "No one likes a grumpy cat."

Ezri nodded. "Pizza sounds great."
"That does sound good. Pizza for us and gagh for him." Mira pointed down at Vaytoc.

{DS9, Quark’s Bar}

Mira looked at the menu "Large and I do mean large bowl of gagh they better be fresh or you will have a grumpy cat on your hands." Mira told the ferengi as Vaytoc licked his lips. "Large pepperoni and cheese pizza." Mira frowned. "Just bring the whole bottle of whiskey and it better be the good stuff. Not the crap Quark try’s to sell to strangers. Tell him it's for Rodale."
Ezri smiled. " I'll have a coke."

Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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