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Posted on Mon Jan 15th, 2024 @ 8:31pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: The Avenger
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{Dream\ old memory}

Mira opened her eyes. Only she wasn't in sickbay and looked around confused. Why was she in a cave? It took a few moments to remember the moon colony on Janova IV B. But, that had been when she was stationed on DS15. The station was on the border of the Federation in the Alpha quadrant furthest from the Beta quadrant in a new expansion territory.

The moon colony on Janova IV B is the current allies of DS15. The people were called the Mylobrean, and the colony was in exile from Janova lV because of their use of technology.

Biting her lip, Mira frowned. What was she doing here? Captain Victoria Concord came up behind her as she looked out over the vast colony inside a cave.

"There you are. I have been looking all over for you." Captain Victoria Concord told her. Mira spun around and hugs her. She hadn't seen the woman in years.

"Whoa there, Mira, what's all this about?" Victoria asked.

"I .....I just missed you, that's all." Mira blurted out.

Her friend frowned. "It's only been a few moments. Oh no, did you get handed that peace pipe again or drink that happy juice they are giving out. You know Doctor Nayla Taylor warned us about it."

Mira laughed, "No, is the dinner about to start?"
"Yes, that's why I came to get you. Protocols! Remember everything we went over. Even the tiniest wrong move, and we can insult them."

Mira sighed. "I'll be on my best behavior. Promise."

Inside the dining hall, Mira sniffed the air "Oh that smells really bad." She said in a whisper. Victoria nodded. "Just remember, whatever it is, we can get through this."

Mira nodded and followed Victoria to the servings table. It was bugs. Mira grinned up at V. "So remember, don't embarrass me. Remember, the slight frown could cause a diplomatic incident. Be on your best behavior........Captain." Mira laughed she couldn't help it. that was the same speech she had heard maybe 12 times before arriving here and just tosses it back her Captain.

Mira had been in situations like this many times since her parents had been killed, and Ambassador M'Niras had.......come for her. That Caitian had never smiled once at her no matter how many times she had tried to do what he wanted. Eating what was put in front of her was one of those things. So she put it to use now, taking a few things of whatever food was out. Then, sitting in her assigned seat.

"I bet you think this is really funny," Victoria told her as she sat down next to her.

Mira nodded with a big grin. They had to wait for everyone to fill their plates, then sit. at the sound of the gong everyone could eat.

Victoria just messed with her food, pushing it around on her plate.
"Don't play with your food V." Mira told her, hiding her smile. Seeing that, V was about to dry heave, Mira quickly finished her food then switched plates with V to make it look like she had eaten, then Mira kept eating the 2nd plate.

There was a whisper of a thank you from her captain.

{USS Chuck Norris, Medical bay}
Hearing voices pulled Mira out of her dream.

Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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