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Morse code

Posted on Sat Jan 13th, 2024 @ 8:26pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti

Mission: The Avenger
Location: The Avenger
Timeline: current


While Kronnelti sits in Delta-1 he receives a mores code message.

he pulls up the message and starts to uncode it.

It states USS Chuck Norris near by, but who sent the code? thinks Kronnelti.

He doesn't care who sent it as he jumps out and heads for the Medbay to tell Commander Rodale the news.

{USS Avenger, Medical bay}

As kronnelti walks back in Doctor Delix was frowning as he looked at Rodale's readings. "She has an infection. I am going to have to use the Regellian blood worms."

"Doctor, you put another creature on her and I will shove it down your throat." Kronnelti told him sternly.

"Now we are in this problem because Mira wouldn't keep the osmotic eels on her wounds." The Doctor told him as Kronnelti growled.

Doctor Delix sighed, "We have already lost one crewman. Ensign Limk might not make it, but if you let me, I can save her."

"Not by putting worms, eels or any other creature on or in her." Kronnelti shook his head no.

Mira could hear them arguing, but with the mask on her face, she couldn't get much out. She was very thankful Kronnelti was keeping control of that crazy doctor.

With all the stupid things she had done off duty, she thought she would die in one of those ways. She wanted her last words to be ‘Well darn that didn't work like I had planned’. Dying because she sat on the floor waiting on three idiots to stop fighting was not the way she wanted to go out. Then, there was Kevin. They hadn't even really gotten to know one another yet.

She looked around the medical center. These crazy people shouldn't even be in this time. How did they get here? Romulans, they had to have done something. There was something like this she had read about before. It was something about a polaric energy device. The Romulans had been experimenting with polaric energy. They could have sent the Avenger back in time.

She squeezed Kronnelti's hand and then said, "Chaltok IV, polaric energy, time travel."

Kronnelti frowned, not following why she was telling him this. Was she even coherent? “I heard you. Mira, just concentrate on getting better."

She nodded, and pain was starting to come back again. Soon she wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything.

Mira closed her eyes. Doctor Delix cursed Mira didn’t even care what he was cursing about now.

The next time she opened her eyes, it was to see K’ner looking down at her. OH thank all that was holy. A doctor that knew what they were doing!

Commander Mira Rodale
Lt. Kronnelti


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