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Enough with the downtime…

Posted on Fri Dec 29th, 2023 @ 1:11pm by Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Christmas Cheer
Location: Earth, northern hemisphere
Timeline: Current

[ Hawai’i ]

K’ner watched the Andorian ship depart, waving her hand to pull the team in. “Pack it up. Cosser is monitoring from Charlie November. I want to know where they’re going now, in case they don’t actually head for orbit. I want to be ready to re-deploy in ten mikes. MOVE IT!”

As the team wrapped up and made ready to depart themselves, she wondered if their little game was over or if they’re just re-locating. It was rather pleasant, most of the time, here in the place the XO initially chose to hang out. She’d have to put this on her list to come back to in the future. Nice community and culture.

She closed out her report log and sent it off to the CO since Kronnelti was enjoying some leave. She wondered what he did for fun... As info came down on the small craft’s final destination, she knew she’d have to pick up something for the communication Ensign on the way out. She smirked at Cosser’s description on how they’d attempted to fake him out and sighed at the end landing. Too close to be a coincidence, although they did meet with someone en route, so maybe they picked up a passenger or supplies. They’d need it where they were going. Good thing Haz Team had packed properly as well, would save time.

Appending her report, she confirmed they were ready to roll and loaded up… Enough with the downtime!



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