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Trill toss

Posted on Fri Dec 29th, 2023 @ 2:32am by Captain Mira Rodale
Edited on on Fri Dec 29th, 2023 @ 2:45am

Mission: Christmas Cheer
Location: Hvalset Fjord, Greenland
Timeline: Present

{Hvalset Fjord, Greenland}

Mira, Kevin, and Thor had been talking about the news Kronnelti had told them. She tapped Kronnelti's blade against her leg, a slight frown on her lips. " Truly, I see no reason for him to follow. I didn't insult him or..... Well, I did smack his hand the one time, but it was just a reaction to something crawling up my leg." she grinned." Nothing a full-grown man would have to track me down for."

Was he that childish? Mira wasn't sure. "It could be he thinks I owe him one more meal. But, after being caught, you would think he would let that drop. I am sure the captain told him I am under orders to have no contact with him."

"Ah little Mira, he is just a drit baggin." Thor told her
She grinned as she heard how he said Dirt bag.

Odin came running up. " fagr freknur, come quickly. We are in need of your help. " he plucked the knife out of her hand and gave it to Thor.

"What? did you just call me beautiful freckles?" Mira asked him

"Aye," he picked her up off her feet and grinned "Your just the right weight."
Mira got tossed over Odin’s shoulder as he ran away. "Odin put me down." half alarmed and half amused Mira told him.

"nei" Odin told her. "We lost the last one that way."

"No? What last one did you lose?" Mira asked, confused.

"sveinn, he ran away." Oden told her.

Mira narrowed her eyes. "A little boy ran away from you, and you thought to get me? Thor!" She yelled the last part, thinking whatever Odin had planned,
she would, more than likely, want to run away from it, too.

"Trust me. You will love it." Odin told her. "Got one. Catch!"

Mira, for one of the first times in her life, screamed as she got launched into the air.

The game they had made up was the Vikings standing on the frozen river bank and catching whoever was tossed to them. In this case, it was Mira. She was so not amused.

Lt.Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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