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Posted on Tue Dec 12th, 2023 @ 12:46am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: CSI: Chuck Norris
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{Sheris temp quarters}

Sheris looked surprised. "Interesting, and now I feel I have a lot of impressing to do if a Q was kissing you." he chuckled.

Mira pulled out a PADD from behind her back. "Message first a kiss later. They can escort us if they like."

Sheris laughed. "I will hold you to that kiss." He told her.

Taking the PADD from Mira, he let his fingers caress hers in the pass off of the PADD. "Now, who is on that ship?"

Mira said, "Representative Th'qyhraq." her lip twitched.

He gave her a little nod, activating the PADD "Representative Th'qyhraq. I have been informed by the XO of the USS Chuck Norris that my presence is 'demanded' on your ship. I am on a diplomatic mission, my time is valuable, and I will be remaining here. Any further interference on your part in this matter is not needed at this time. You may, however, escort the USS Chuck Norris to earth and see to it that we have a safe journey. Sheris out."

At Mira's little smirk. he knew the two little opinions he had added had been noticed 'at this time ' and ' see to it that we have a safe journey' opinions opened doors she hadn't wanted. She was smart and a worthy opponent. He handed the PADD to her, and she called the crewman outside of his quarters to take it. He smirked. "So now that we have more time together, tell me why you don't have a man in your life."

Mira raised her eyebrows. "What makes you think I don't have a man in my life."

He looked around her room. " Space, there isn't enough room for two here."

Mira laughed as she took a seat on the desk in the room. Sheris pointed to her weapon collection, and he had to say it was impressive. "I am betting these are yours?”

Her eyes roamed over the weapon with such affection that he felt jealous. She gave a little nod "mine" his gut actually clenched at how she said that word.

He smiled. "Are klingons all you date?" He just had to know the answer to that.

Mira shook her head slowly, no. "Risan, human, then a klingon, my mate."

She didn't tell him any details. The Risan had not been faithful, and neither had the human (Captain Jason Williams). By the time Kolar had met her, she wasn't interested in another unfaithful man in her life. He had seen something in her and had been persistent. In the end, their hearts beat as one. Now, her heart only beat to keep her alive, nothing more. She didn't need a man to complete her. She was whole if somewhat hollow in side, but she did have duty. It would really have to be the right man to interest her.

Sheris smiled. "That's all long-term men. What about the short-term men in your life. The one night stand?"

Mira shook her head no. Sheris seemed surprised , "Not even for a kiss?"

Raising an eyebrow, Mira laughed it was a sweet sound. Sheris liked hearing.

"I have kissed a Q, and I have a son. " Mira hadn't given birth to him, but she was going to make sure he had the best of everything in his life.

Sheris did laugh at that, so maybe she did have a man in her life. He didn't know about her having a son. When had that happened because it wasn't in any research he had on her.

Still, she did commit to a kiss from him, so maybe this father wasn't with her anymore. "Can I kiss you now?"

Mira thought about it and then nodded, "No hands," she narrowed her eyes.

"Well, now if i can't use my hands, I insist on you using yours." He told her. Ah, the look of surprised on her face was well worth it. The more he talked to her, the more he realized she did not let people in and had a wall around her heart. They didn't touch her, and she didn't touch unless there was a good reason.

He leaned closer, giving her time. She placed her hands on his shoulders and then moved slightly closer to meet his lips. She had really kissed him but he was sure it was part of the agreement they had made more the any enjoyment she felt and he did listen to her breathing and heart rate no tell tail sign of increase. She wasn't interested, at least not right now. He hoped that would change.

Her commbadge went off breaking the moment and telling her she had a message. She gave him a smile and then pulled away. " Duty calls, I'll see you for dinner?"

Sheris nodded, and Mira left the room as she unzipped her uniform jacket and pulled out a PADD. There was a message from Kronnelti that he had important information about the delegates.
Keying in a reply that she would be there in a few minutes.

That kiss had told her one thing her heart was just as broken as she was because she felt nothing. For a short time on Risa in that cave, she had felt the racing of her heart. Maybe that was all Q's doing? Looks like Duty was she might ever have.

With a sigh, she started walking away.

Lt. Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance on Tue Dec 12th, 2023 @ 7:39pm

Okay, now I can get the thought of Mira singing "I kissed a Q and I liked it" out of my head.