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Posted on Tue Oct 31st, 2023 @ 2:20am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: The Q Effect
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{USS Chuck Norris/klingon ship}

Mira had moved to the comm console and took one of the earpieces. Putting it in her ear, then started jamming transmission so they wouldn't be able to give their position away. That is assuming they hadn't already sent for backup.

Hearing Walker's outburst, Mira turned her head in time to see him change.

Her eyes widen in surprise. He is a cat?
Part of her wanted to yell and get into the woman's face, but her last outbust had taught her it doesn't work with Q. The Captain’s firm but no nonsense approach seemed to work far better, or was that because he was 1/2 El-Aurian?

"Q you put us in this situation on a ship the crew is unfamiliar with and short staffed. What is it you want? All this is going to do is start a war between the Romulans and Klingons. Is that what you are trying to get us to do? Start a war." Mira asked calmly.

Because she couldn't do that. Lives would be lost.

Q frowns. " Would you prefer your tinny little federation ship out here in Romulan space? And against that?" she pointed to the large Romulan ship.

Well, put it that way no. "I would prefer federation space. We are here to explore new frontiers and to seek out new life, not start wars."

Lt.Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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