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R and R?

Posted on Tue Oct 24th, 2023 @ 5:39pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: The Q Effect
Location: RISA
Timeline: Present



Looking the crew over, she might have half the crew down here on the beach. All looking as confused as she felt.

Rodriguez was the first to ask. “What just happened, Lt.Commander? “

Was there a workaround for her to say what had happened and not say his name? It was worth a try. “Seem we are on a super powerful beings twisted version of a vacation because he is …….bored.”

“That’s not comforting ma’am” he told her as she went to tap her missing comm badge and then started grinding her teeth in frustration.
“Anyone got a comm badge?” She asked. Seeing everyone check and shake their heads no made her close her eyes.

“Alright assuming we are really on Risa, I am going to the communications center and contact the ship. We need some comm badges to stay in touch. “

Rodriguez frowned “If this Q guy changed our uniforms and ship, then we should have communicators on the ship.”

Nodding slowly, Mira agreed. She had forgotten about that. “Risa looks the same as when I was here a few years ago, so I don’t think he did a time change on us, but who knows.” Looking back around, she asked the next question “anyone armed? “ she was feeling downright naked without a comm badge and weapons.

The security officers and Hazard team all seem to nod yes. Ok good she thought once they had the uniform changed on them, they must have grabbed whatever weapon they could, knowing trouble was about to happen. “ok break up into teams. Make sure we have someone with a weapon on each team. Find out if this is really Risa? If we are safe? Then we will meet back here in an hour. I’ll see if I can get the ship to send down some communicators.”

“If we are on Risa and safe in our own time, then what?”

Bitting her lip She looked around, “try to enjoy ourselves until things change. Just be careful with what you say or wish for because there is no telling what this guy will do. I am hoping he will get bored and just leave us alone.”

Just then, Q appears behind her, leaning down he speaks into her ear making her jump. “Don’t count on it Mira.”

Settling down, she forced a smile “one can only hope, darling.” She bit her lip at the stupid endearment that came out when she tried to say his name. Making Q laugh at her.
“That is getting old” she told him.

“Not for me, it isn’t. Alright, kiddos, have fun” he told the crew. Then, taking Mira’s hand, he pulled her to the resort, snapping his fingers as they walked, turning her uniform into beach wear. “I have decided I want to do the whole family thing.”

Mira stopped dead in her tracks, digging her heels in and refusing to walk. Not with me was all she could think of, but that might not change his mind. By all that was holy, the being was insane.

“That would be a terrible idea. One the women you ….. picked would get fat and have swelling ankles, and that takes like 9 months. You don’t want to stick around nine months, plus when the baby comes, there is all the crying and changing diapers. Plus, you would then have to stick around for at least 18 years then.” She told him but stopped at the look on his face. She made her point. A guy like Q wouldn’t want any of that.

Frowning Q looked like he was thinking about it. Then he said as he held up an horga’hn “That about jamaharon?”

Mira couldn’t help but grin at that question “Well that can be fun with the right person.” She plucked the horga’hn out of his hand and started to pull him to a table. Sitting the horga’hn on the table, she pushed him into the chair. “Here is how that works. You put this horga’hn on the table, and a very beautiful Risan woman with a symbol on her forehead will come up to you. Asking if you seek jamaharon. Just say yes.”

“what about you” he asked her.

“what about me? I am not Risan. “ Mira turned and made a fast getaway. The women here were far more open-minded and able to deal with him when it came to that. She headed to the commutations center. With any luck, she would get ahold of the Captain and find out what to do about all this craziness.

Rodriguez showed up “are you ok.”
“Yes I just needed to redirect his attention to something else.” Mira told him with a grin.

Lt.Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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