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Speed change

Posted on Mon Oct 23rd, 2023 @ 4:14pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: The Q Effect
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{USS Chuck Norris}

Mira pushed Q's arm away she took a step back. "Who won the drinking contest?" she was by nature a curious person and was trying to peice the timeline of her memories together.

Smirking Q said, "Don't you remember?"

Frowning, she tried to think back. "I remember Captain Kol falling out of the seat." She bit her lip."I remember tapping my comm badge as I stood to leave. "

Q laughed, "and you fell right at my feet. How was I to resist such an invention?"

Frowning, she wasn't even going to explain the difference of passing out and falling at his feet, so Mira asked her next question. "Where is Vaytoc?" he had been with her the whole evening, and he would have dragged her to a safe spot.

"The big black beastie that tried to attack me?" Q said

Mira put her hand over her heart. "Tell me you didn't hurt him!"

Frowning, he watched her. "He is around."

Placeing her hands on her hips, she said with a little more authority, then she had at that moment, "I want him back now!"

Snapping his fingers, a little yellow cat appeared.

Mira shook her no. "That's not Vaytoc it isn't even the right color or size!"

"You are right. That is Data's cat." He made it disappear."What will you give me for your black beastie?"

Mira narrowed her eyes. "You steal my companion then want me to pay to get him back? " Now, she was truly angry.

With a laugh at her temper, he told her, "I want a kiss, and it can't be a kiss you would give your brother or father. It has to be a real kiss. One you would give a man you are interested in. I have never had a kiss like that."

She hadn't kissed anyone in four years, and before that, it had only been her mate. They had met not long after she left the academy.

"Fine," she hissed, running her hands up his chest, and around his neck, she pulled his face down to her height and kissed him.

It might have been longer than she thought because she heard someone clear his throat. Backing away, she looked up at him, waiting for his end of the deal.

He snapped his fingers again. A little black fur ball appeared, making Mira gasp. "What have you done to him."

He waved his hand. "He was a menace. I made him safer for everyone."

She scooped Vaytoc up in her arms. "Well, that proves to us one thing you can't be trusted to keep your word." With that said she started to walk away to put Vaytoc way.

Q looked at the Captain. "What?"

"I take it that he wasn't as you found him? Then you lied." The Captain told him.

With a snap of his fingers, there was a thud of a body hitting the deck and a curse that followed. Q grinned. "Perhaps I should have waited for her to put him down first?" He grinned "off to Risa. " he napped his fingers.

The three of them were on the bridge. Q sitting in the captain's chair. Mira sat on the floor like she had been when she had fallen and the captain standing next to Q.

Mira was being helped up when Q said, "I will be your tour guide. Our first stop will be Risa."

Mira said, " Q, what do you hope to achieve by this." Only the name Q didn't come out of her mouth 'darling' did. Widened her eyes in horror, she put a hand over her mouth and then tried saying his name again, but sweetheart came out.

Q laughed. "Rule number one, my dear Mira."

Looking away at the view screen, Mira frowned. They were traveling faster than they should be able to. Rule number one she couldn't say his name to tell anyone who he was. Alright she would try something different. "Listen here, jerk."

He waved a finger at her. "Rule number three no calling me names. Penalty box."

Before she could say another word, Mira found herself in a pitch-black room. So she used her hands to feel around. Very small room about the size of a detention cell, she thought. There was air to breathe. It was cold, but if this was all that was going to happen, she could deal with it. She settled down, cirling up her legs to help keep some body heat, then wondered how long her time out was.

Granted, she was feeling the after effects of being intoxicated, so she was a little cranky. Still, she really should know better to be rude to an all-powerful being.

For her hours passed, but then she was on bridge teeth chattering. Everyone was in the same spots. So odd.

Q smiled. "Ready to be nice?"

Mira's eyes flicked to the Captain’s to see if she could read anything from him. He only looked angry. So Mira did the only thing she could do nod her head yes. Sure, she could play along until they could get rid of him.

With a snap of his fingers, they were at Risa, and looking around, she could tell half the crew were now standing on the beach.

off: Hopefully a move forward in time might help?

Lt.Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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Comments (1)

By Commander Kevin Lance on Tue Oct 24th, 2023 @ 5:03am

I really like your writing style.