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Is it Still an Ambush if you Know It's Coming?

Posted on Tue Oct 10th, 2023 @ 10:55pm by Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr

Mission: The Return
Location: Outpost
Timeline: Current



She looked around the room. Where was everyone? Captain Williams had been standing here ten minutes ago, and she was still picking up lifeforms.

Trace looked around uneasily. He was trained for combat but the stories out of the Academy about the Undine were scary as hell. He had read all about them, given his xeno-anthropological background, and was well aware of their superior intelligence, superior bio-engineering knowledge, and their outright ruthlessness in combat. He liked to test himself as much as the next guy but this wasn’t something he felt the need to prove.

His mind clicked on something Mira had said, and he gripped his phase rifle tighter. “Ma’am, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think we were in the perfect place for an ambush.”

Sokolov was already moving toward the exit, his huge frame dwarfing the doorway. “Agreed.” He said, “I don’t like this.”

Rodale cried out as she gripped her head on either side, and dropped to one knee as a shriek pierced the air. An Undine appeared in the door on the far side of the room, causing Walker and Sokolov to simultaneously turn their weapons in that direction and let loose a barrage of bio-molecular pulses at the creature.

It went down, as the two officers readied for another one of the creatures while one of the other officers helped Mira up.

Sokolov commented. “It’s not like them to attack individually…” Before he got the words out, another one appeared from behind them in the doorway and let out another shriek. This time, Rodale held her feet and growled, as if fighting something.

Trace backed away, firing at the thing while Sokolov did the same. This time, however, it was too fast to get a solid hit in, as it tore across the room. He managed to duck a clawed swipe at his face, only to be caught in the chest with an arm that seemed to be made of iron. He flew backward at an alarming speed and slammed into the bulkhead.

His head swimming, he watched as Sokolov blocked (BLOCKED) one of the Undine’s blows and turned to throw it away from him. Took the opportunity to bring his rifle around to bear and shot three pulses into it. It screamed in pain and rage but didn’t go down.

“Uh oh.” Said Trace, as the thing leapt at him.


Lieutenant JG Tracey Walker
Security Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Betaras K'ner on Wed Oct 11th, 2023 @ 2:32pm

"Uh oh."
