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Pew Pew

Posted on Tue Sep 5th, 2023 @ 8:19pm by Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: The Zaj
Location: USS Chuck Norris - lower decks
Timeline: Current

K'ner swung around the corner as a blob of some acidic substance splatted way too close. She nodded at her second and tapped the top of the gren in an obvious motion to her squad.

"It's coming this way, let's hope this works!"

She counted to three in her head and casually tossed it behind her and around the corner towards the creature that had been wreaking havoc since it appeared in the corridor. Fortunately for them, they had been roaming the ship during the standoff...

The muffled bloomph told her it was close to the target in question, proof that her seemingly casual toss was pretty precise. She chanced a glance back around and was heartened by the sight.

The foam grenade had a fire retardant in it, and could restrain quite a bit of force in the process of its expansion. She could hear the thing inside struggling, but it looked like it was holding, for now. It helped to have spent some time working with a damage control team, and these things made great non-lethal constraints.

She waved 1/2 her squad forward so they could secure it from each side, just in case.

"Watch those splatters... our Exo-suits should be fine, but we want to avoid spreading it around if we can manage it... Margo, let the other squads and security know our results. They need to get more of those dispersed and in play."

K'ner scanned her forearm padd at the reports streaming... Motioning at three of her squad to stay and contain, she waved the others with her as they headed for Engineering, hoping to come up behind the creature there.

Force beams weren't as affective as security had hoped, and although they had slowed the creature down quite a bit, it was still making headway towards the critical area of the ship.

The squad dropped into a tactical posture at the junction just before the target and K'ner checked her padd for a visual. Casually walking across the corridor intersection she tossed the gren she'd thumbed moments earlier and suddenly ducked into the other side in a roll as a splatter landed behind her. The smell of dissolving flooring was bound to stink up the area but she couldn't tell with her suit closed up.

Another muted explosion had her glancing around the corner, then straightening as the foam barrier settled into its final form, with the creature in its midst. She acknowledged a wave from the security team on the engineering side and waved her squad to close in on her.

=/\= "Betaras to the Bridge. Two of the OPFOR boarders have been contained, one at engineering and one near the nav deflector station. We're heading your way as one seems to be working its way in your direction. They seemed to be initially wandering with some random purpose, and one is still trying to advance on a cargo bay... maybe we just let that one in and open the bay to space. We've managed to make progress on suppressing them with the fire retardant foam grenades the damage control team uses and we're getting some of them dispersed out to the security teams. They're pretty sturdy for withstanding small explosions in equipment so they should be sufficient in containing our visitors until such time as we can transfer them to the DS9 brig." =/\=

=/\= "We've caught up with number three and engaging. It's a mess but damage control is working their way behind the encounters. We should have this one contained momentarily, so you guys can keep doing all the bridge stuff y'all do... out!" =/\=

K'ner jumped forward as a splut erupted from the creature ahead of them. A security ensign's eyes widened as he had that split second to contemplate his face dissolving like the panels on the corridor during the fight. K'ner hit him broadside, blocking him from the impact and shoving him lower onto the floor. He could hear the sizzle of the gloopy substance as it popped and fizzed on his legs, trying to keep his screams to a minimum as it burned.

K'ner stayed scrunched down in front of the man, maintaining her shield position as the whoosh of foam exploded behind her. She knew her team would take care of the problem while she slid her clothing ripper out and along the man's pant leg, pulling that clear and tossing it the side. She had to give him some credit, he was trying not to flop around and at least had the foresight not to grab his leg and spread the burning substance all over his hands too, but he was struggling all the same.

She kept one hand on his waist to hold him in place as she spread a neutralizing gel along the leg, then wrapping it quickly and touching her probe to the material to stiffen it up. That would keep him from contaminating it, and moving it around until Durzo's people could take care of it.

Hearing the all-clear, she stood and waved over a couple of the security personnel to take the injured man as she looked over her squad and the area. The other combat medic was fixing someone from the science department that must've been caught in the corridor, and the rest of her squad had surrounded the lumpy mound.

She updated the security team, confident they could secure the area and waved her team out of the way as she reviewed the updates on her padd. There were at least two more of the unwelcome surprises but the other combat team, and security, had received some of the grens and applied them liberally. One would need a little engineering help to carve it loose from the corridor, according to the report, but at least the damage was mitigated.

K'ner waved her squad on... "Let's hunt boyz..." She told the others. "If they could get through, let's make sure nothing else did."

Lt Jg Betaras K'ner
Combat Medic


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