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Posted on Sat Sep 2nd, 2023 @ 12:15am by Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti & Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Ech'am G'ginloss

Mission: The Zaj
Location: Ds9
Timeline: The vaj

{USS Chuck Norris/ Bridge}

Lt Kronnelti quickly speaks up, Ma'am I'll go down send me, I can look for the Xo I can also keep a com to G'ginloss and to you exclaimed Kronnelti as long as he is ok with this, I've been through worse and still came back.

"While this may be a good idea brother, we do not yet know where the XO is. We have not confirmed she is Alive, or her death. We should not send people into the fire without direction. Since we do not yet know the proper direction. Once we have that direction we can speak of a rescue." He said replying to his brothers request.

Mira nodded that they couldn't go off without more knowledge. " The base also has its shields up. No one can get on or off the base while this is going on. For all we know the Xo could even be on the planet. Since she hasn't reported in." She thought for a moment then add "There are security protocols that goes in place automatically when we go to red alert or anytime there's a problem with point-to-point transports inside the station. These protocols prohibit any use of transporters without command staff authorization. This jams signals. Its for safety. Of course there are ways around it. I just don't think the base commander would be willing to work with us. And we dont know if the Zaj know our language. We don't know thier's yet. Also there is an oddity with thier transmissions. Thier all male. What I was able to get so far is " she activated the main screen to highlight the 3rd ship on the right. "One of thier leaders are on that ship."

Understood ma'am says Kronnelti.

Helm, bring us about above the station, yet without blocking the stations weapons. Bring up the veiwer, and lets see what is out there."

Bitting her lip She wondered if just moving the ship would set off the Zaj but she wasn't going to 2nd guess the 3rd officer. If it did set them off it was better to take the fire away from the base.

"Tactical, how many ships are there?" He asked. "Set our scanners for sweeping motions, spliting them into random waves."

He felt good to be back on the ship of his start, even though his hiatus upon the arrest of winters forced the docking of the ship for a while.

"Ummm, I don't know how to Sir." Ensign Jefferies replied.

Mira raised an eyebrow and was about to do it herself when the XO spoke up.

"Set the controls in this order, operational ping 15 seconds, ships sencer ping 17 seconds, omega sweep 10 seconds, Immersion sweep 7.5 seconds, frontal ping sweep 3 seconds, aft sweep 5.25 seconds, ping backsweep 11.782 seconds, employ randomization security protical theta. Then activate."

"Aye sir." Moments later scanning sweeps started picking up ships not seen at first with the group in front of them.

"So thier hiding the full extent of thier forces." Mira nodded. Then they came fully ready to attack.



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