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Posted on Thu Aug 31st, 2023 @ 3:08pm by Lieutenant Commander Ech'am G'ginloss

Mission: The Zaj
Location: Enroute to bridge
Timeline: Current

"War, it is never ending, never ceasing. It comes and goes. Death, and horror fill the voids in the cracks of War." He says to no one in peticular. Sitting on the SB watching the wormhole open while ships pour through. It was about this time the order was heard.

"All hands return to the ship, I"m on my way!" Lt Commander Mira called through the comm badge. "Winters, i wish you were with us."

"Ech'am to the Norris, one to beam up"

"Roger sir." Came the reply

As he dematerialized, it took only a few moments for him to arrive back to the ship. Moving back towards the bridge as soon as he was on the ship, almost jogging through the ships corriders, towards the bridge, it's as if he's done this before. This being nothing new to him, as there have been worse situations before. As he is about to enter the bridge, another call comes out.

"So not be the agressors, we do not need to be known for starting this war." Lt Comm Mira oncr again says to the occupents of the ship.

The doors to the bridge open. Looking around, he sees Mira, the one who recalled everyone to the ship. Looking around for his brother though does not reveal his location. Perhaps he will walk through those doors momentarily.

°At least Samson is by my side° he thinks as he pats the hilt to his combat weapon.

"Lt Commander Ech'am G'ginloss reporting for duty."

Provided the situation, he went slightly formal, even though they were of the same rank, and had not met. °Though where is the new captain of the ship? Regardless, he had the knowledge to direct the ship if it came down to it, although what would be thought by Mira? Would she, be the one thinking she needs to take command? Lets hope it doesn't come to this.°

Even with the thoughts running through his head, his face woukd reveal nothing. He was a klingon, outwardly he was as calm as a river before the storm.

Lt Commander Ech'am G'ginloss
Second Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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